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(Sorry, not sorry, I'm just in a silly goofy mood 😚😚😋😋😛😛)

[3rd per-pov]
He looked at his hand. The only anchor that told him he was still here. It was grey now. He couldn't remember what colours even looked like anymore. God forbid he tried to remember peoples faces. Why did they need to have so many details? And voices...he gave up trying to remember what anything sounded like, let alone individual voices, a long time ago.

Maybe...around month 9?
Sounds about right.

He attempted a sigh, instead letting out nothing, and placed his hand back down. He was happy with the outcome, right? Everyone was happy...hopefully. And yet, he could help but feel sad. He was so selfish.

He'd even seen visions of them, mocking him, making fun of him, calling him selfish. He knew they weren't really there, but...goddamn, it hurt.

...but this was the best outcome, everyone was able to move on. He had to remind himself of that every single 'day'.

"Brother?" He heard a voice echoing. He stood up and looked around. He saw his sister, who had also been looking for her sibling. He attempted to reply, but nothing came out. He reached his hand out to reach her shoulder. "EEK" she jumped away. "W-who are you?" He once again attempted to reply, only managing a mumble. "I'm...looking for my brother." He pointed at himself. "Huh?" She came closer. "mm" He once again attempted to tell her.

She tilted her head. "Mm?" He tried again. "ee." Her eyes widened. "You?" She realized that of course it was him, who else would it be? "Oh! S-sorry- what happened to you?" He looked away and shook his head. "It's fine, I'll bring you back now!" She turned around and he saw a bright light beginning to glow brighter behind her. He walked towards her and she turned back around. "Here." She held out her hand. He walked even closer and put his hand out to reach hers. Just before their hands met, she smiled.

As soon as their hands were about to meet, everything disappeared.

Of course it was another hallucination. They wouldn't come back for him. Finally, he gave up any hope he still held onto. He closed his eyes, sat back down, and hugged his knees to his chest. If only...he could go to sleep...

(I'll have to copy + paste at least one paragraph because not everything that happened up there will happen here, so forgive me, since I'm about to commit control c)

[3rd per-pov]
"...but this was the best outcome, everyone was able to move on. He had to remind himself of that every single 'day'."

"Jack?" He perked up at the sudden echoing voice. He didn't bother to move, knowing the place he was trapped in, it was probably just another illusion to make him give up hope...yet, he couldn't help but to at least try. Maybe he had at least one part of him that still believed.

He tapped on the 'floor' slightly, just enough to gain the person in front of him's attention. "Hm?" They turned around to meet his gaze. "Holy shit, dude...are you okay?" The person in front of him looked familiar.

Really familiar.

He looked away, not even trying to respond. The person in front of him came closer and knelt down to him. They reached their hand out and...actually touched him? He quickly looked back at the man in front of him. "Aaree...reeall?" His words came out slurred.

The man tilted his head. He tried to speak again. "Are...yoou...real?" This was the first time for forever that he'd actually been able to formulate a full sentence. "...I am?" The man furrowed his brows. "Are you okay?" Jack grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. "I-..." He was taken aback. "Jack?" Jack nodded. "Will?"

The man nodded.

For the first time in a long time, tears formed in Jack's eyes. He eventually let out sobs while holding onto Dave. "What happened?" Dave asked, concerningly. Jack cried more in response. "..." Dave held on tightly to Jack. He rubbed Jack's back hoping that it would make him feel at least a little better. After a while, Jack calmed down a little. "Why'd you ask if I was real?" Dave pulled away to look at Jack. "I-" Jack looked away, but continued.

"I...hallucinated on multiple...occasions that you guys would...come back, but every...time you'd...dissappear." Jack still had a little trouble speaking, and would pause in between words to continue. Dave put a hand on Jack's cheek to make Jack look at him. "...Are you okay?" He asked again.

Jack teared up a little, but held it back. He shook his head and buried it in Dave's chest. "..." Dave remained silent and calmly combed through his hair with his fingers. The once vibrant orange was now a dull grey colour. "I...almost gave up...hope that any able to...come" Jack mumbled into Dave's chest. Dave held him close and laid his head on top of Jack.

"...You're as beautiful as the day I lost you."

Jack simply replied by hugging him tighter. "I love you." Dave smiled at the statement. "Love you too." He pulled away and looked at Jack. "We should probably hurry up, the others mi-" Jack cut him off. "Time moves...faster here than in...there." Dave took a second to process the statement. "Wait, how long have you been here?" Jack looked to the side as if the floor would tell him. "Almost two...years?" Dave's eyes widened. "W-what? It w-was only l-like 2 months for u-us-" Dave felt a chill run down his spine. "S-sorr-"

"It's okay, Will." Jack smiled at him. He placed a hand on Dave's and leaned in to kiss him. Dave accepted and kissed him back. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes before pulling away. " 'Will' gonna be a permanent nickname now?" Jack chuckled a little. "Depends...on what you...want." Dave looked to the side. "I don't mind you calling me that..." He whispered the last part of his sentence, "...I might even like it a little..."

"So, how long's it been for them so far?" Dave changed the subject. "I doubt...more than a few...seconds." Jack replied a little quickly, already knowing the answer. "Damn, and here we were, thinking it'd take an hour." Dave chuckled. "They even debated letting me go because they thought I'd take longer by kissing you too much." Jack giggled a little. "So...why'd they let you?" Dave laughed a little again. "I whined and told them that I'd annoy the people who stayed behind, which would be the rest of them since only one of us could go."

"Well, we could go...before it becomes a minute for them, surprise them." Jack joked. "Yo, imagine the looks on there faces when it takes me only like 4 seconds!" They laughed again for a while before calming down. "Well, how about we...see their faces" Jack held Dave's hand. "I can't wait."

They stood up and entered into the now lightly glowing door, hand in hand.

(Sorry not sorry for the 1st one, hopefully the 2nd one being longer makes up for it. 😔😔

ANYWAY, bye!!!!!!!!!!)

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