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(First person pov)
Dave laid in his bed staring at his ceiling. He was bored, and since it was 23:47, it's not like he could just talk to anyone since they'd probably be asleep. Then again...he could always go see Jack. He'd rather go over to Jack's house than die of boredom. He got off his bed and grabbed the keys he had on his night stand. He'd copied Jack's home keys awhile ago, don't ask him how.

(Time skip because its pride month)
Dave finally was met with his co-worker's house. He pulled out the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. He knew the layout of Jack's house like the back of his hand. He gently closed the door and locked it again because even though he's currently trespassing, he at least has enough dignity to stop other trespassers.

He slowly made his way upstairs to Jack's bedroom. He knew Jack didn't have the best sleep schedule, so he put his ear to the door to make sure Jack wasn't awake. He didn't hear anything, so he assumed there was a 90% chance Jack was asleep. He gently opened the door and let out a sigh of relief when Jack was indeed laying in his bed. Dave slowly close the door again and made his way over to the bed. He sat on the floor next to the bed, just listening to Jack sleep.

Jack rolled over and gently waved. Dave suddenly moved back, caught off guard. "What's wrong? See a ghost or something?" Jack chuckled. Dave opened his mouth to speak. "Dave, you're quiet, but I'm not always asleep when you're here." Jack slightly whispered, as if someone who wasn't Dave would hear him. "I- So-" Dave took a second to process this. "So...you've known I've been breaking in?" Jack nodded. "How long have you known??" Jack took a second to consider. " About like 1 or 2 months."

Dave just blinked and looked down, trying to find words he could say. Jack patted his bed. "C'mere, I'm cold and tired." Dave looked back at him. He just sat there. "I'm not gonna bite you, dummy." Dave slowly stood up at sat on his bed. Jack pulled him down to lay next to him. Dave was still trying to process what the fuck just happened. "I don't mind, Dave. Being around you makes me feel warmer than I usually am. Plus, I've been lonely, so I enjoy the company. " Jack put his head on Dave's chest and hugged him.

Dave hugged him back and put his head on top of Jack's. Dave warmed up in a way he hadn't felt in years. He assumed everyone felt cold after childhood, yet here he was...he never wanted the warmth to go away. And, for tonight, it won't leave. He smiled and relaxed into the hug. "I love you, Jack." He felt Jack smile into his chest. "Love you too, Will." Dave hadn't heard that name in years, yet for tonight, he wouldn't question it. He smiled as well and let himself to be brought into sleep.

(Time skip sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends)
Jack slowly opened his eyes as he woke up. He was in an embrace. He pulled back to see who it was and was met with Dave. He remembered last night and gently smiled before bringing himself back into the hug. Dave slowly opened his eyes and yawned.

He looked around and realized what happened. He felt his face heat up and he looked down and the person he was currently cuddling. Jack let out a low mumble. "Mmm, morninnn'." Dave softly smiled and sat up. Jack sat up as well and stretched. "Your bed'ss so comfyy." Dave yawned again, initiating Jack to also yawn.

"Soo...do I have to go back home, orrr...?" Dave awkwardly fidgeted with his hands. "No. It's Saturday, so I don't have any plans." Jack paused before adding, " I also wanted to spend time with you." Dave nodded and got off the bed. Jack followed behind as they made their way to his living room. "You hungry?" Jack said whilst sitting down on his couch. "Well, I'm a corpse, sooo..."

Jack nodded, understanding. "Same." Dave sat down next to him. "So, Jack...how did you know my real name?" Jack looked over at him. "Hm...what if I told you I knew Henry too?" Dave took a second to process this information. "Seriously? How?" Jack put on a fake smile. "I...met him a while back and he told me about you." Maybe one day Jack would tell him the truth, but today was not that day.

"What'd he say about me?" Jack mentally cringed at how much Dave cared about Henry. "He was fond of you, said you were his child." Jack felt like crying when he saw Dave smile at the false statement. "Well, now I get to ask you, Will, how did you know my name?"

"What can I say? If I can find your address, I can find your name, Sportsy." Jack just shrugged. "Yeah, that's fair." Jack lays his head on Dave's lap.

(long story short, they just watched some TV shows while being nerdy and gay.)

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