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(3rd person pov)

Jack sat on his bed, observing the patterns on the roof. He heard footsteps approaching the room's door. He knew who it was and kept his eyes on the ceiling. After a few moments, he heard the door open. He finally moved his eyes off the ceiling to see his purple husband. "Hello, my love." He said, smiling warmly.
"Hello, baby." Dave said, before closing the door and sitting next to him. Jack closed his eyes and rested his head on Dave's shoulder. "Hey, babe."
"You feel a little cold, c'mere." Dave said as his only warning before pulling Jack into a hug. "Haha, you dork!" Jack said. Once they settled down they just smiled at each other.
Maybe life wasn't so bad.

(This is for you, F0x...and everyone else too lol.)

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