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(Oh god oh fuck, I'm actually doing smut 👀. I'll try my best. This is for the horni peps. ⚠IF YOU AREN'T OKAY WITH SMUT, GO TO A DIFFERENT PART, THIS IS SMUT⚠.)

(Third person pov)
Jack laid on the bed while Dave undressed him. When he was done, he kissed Jack and then went down to his neck, searching for his sweet spot. Jack lightly moaned at this and moaned louder when Dave sucked a specific spot. Dave smiled at this and responded by sucking harder and abusing that spot. He knew it would leave a hickey. He then pulled away, leaving Jack to calm his shakey breath. He grabbed some lube and undressed himself too. He put the lube on a table text yo the bed. He put some on his fingers. Jack spread his legs a little letting Dave know he was ready. Dave put a finger inside of Jack and Jack moaned from the new feeling. After a while of letting him getting used to it, Dave put a second finger in. Jack moaned even louder and leaned his head back on the pillow behind. Dave pulled his fingers out, making Jack sigh. Dave moved back and put some lube on his member and came back to Jack. He propped himself up by putting his arms on both sides of Jack's head. He lined his member up with Jack's hole and pushed in. Jack immediately moaned at this, and moved his hands to Dave's back to hold himself up. Dave slowly pushed further in and then out, in and out. Creating a rythem, he lowered down and sucked on the other's neck. After a little, Dave hit Jack's sweet spot which made him moan loudly. Dave then made the rythem faster. By this point, Jack was a moaning mess. "Ha-ard-er pl-leas-se," Jack let out through moans. Dave obeyed and hit the other's prostate harder. Jack had tears running down his face, and he was clawing at Dave's back. "F-ill me-e u-up." Jack managed to say when he knew Dave was about to reach his climax. Dave kept going after that and then came inside Jack. He then pulled out. They were both panting by this point. "G-god, I do-don't even care th-that I won't be able t-to walk for a while." Jack said through pants. "I love you." Dave said, followed by a, "Yo-you too." They smiled at eachother.

(I WROTE THIS WHILE MY MOM WAS IN THE ROOM, anyway...I feel dirty now, but hope you like it, horny sweeties ❤❤❤)

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