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rough idea: they know each other so well the have their own ways of communication like knocking, random noises, non-verbal cues, etc.

I'm more than halfway done with this and just now realized this could be seen as one continuous story. I'd meant for it to be random ahh stories, but it's up for you to interpret it as you will.


"I swear to got if you +2 me again, I'm going to mentally pass away."

Dee grinned. While she didn't have a +2 card, she did indeed have a +4 card."

She placed it down, changing the colour to blue in the process.

"Oh my fucking god," he put his head down, "please lord above give me strength."

Then, the door opened, accompanied by footsteps.

Jack watched, realizing it was Dave. "There is a god."

Dave walked over to the spot on the floor where the UNO™ session was going on.

He sat down next to Jack and wrapped his arms around him.

"Hey, Jack." The man in question had now realized something was off.

"Oh no, you don't usually say my name unless something happened..."

Dave simply hummed in acknowledgment before laying his head on Jack's chest.

He specifically started rubbing Jack's upper arm.

"Okay, come here." Jack placed his cards face-down.

He let Dave sit on his lap, hugging him as Dave readjusted himself.

Dee watched, fidgeting with a strand from the carpet they were on.

Dave's back was facing Dee, so she couldn't exactly see his face.

Jack soon laid his head on Dave's shoulder, picking up his cards.

They continued with their game, not acknowledging Dave being there.

Eventually, the game went on for a long time, but Dee had won.

"Ay, good game little sis." Jack was in a pleasantly good mood.

Dee nodded, "I did notice there was no reverse cards this round?"

Dave chimed in, the first time since he got here, "I took them to win arguments."

"Of course you would, love..." Jack added, softly, "of course you would."

Dee started to clean up the UNO™ cards before she'd forget to do so later.


Jack laid comfortably as he scrolled through his phone, not finding anything interesting.

He sat up, getting too bored to continue to stay still.

He knew exactly where he was going, waving to Peter as he walked.

Pushing the door open, he found Dave and lays on top of him.

"Hm?" Dave looked down at him, beginning to play with Jack's hair.

Jack laid his head on Dave's chest, smiling up at him.

Dave smiled back, leaning down to kiss him. He savours the moment for a few seconds.

Jack closes his eyes, finding his surroundings quite comfortable, before pulling back.

He taps Dave's hand, holding it as he fights off sleep.

Dave flips his hand, letting Jack properly hold it in his own.

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