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(I got a new phone because my last one was around 5 years old and everything looks different lol. Anyway, why does Tally Hall's Hidden in the Sand fit with the DSaF 3 good ending almost perfectly??? Anyway, ✌.)

(Third person POV)
He stared at what he had been looking at for a while. His eyes had never adjusted to the literal nothingness around him. He'd imagined that at least the void would be black, or anything he could recognize, was just nothing. If you asked him to describe it, he'd have to wait another eternity looking into it to even start to try and describe it. Even looking at it was disorienting. It surrounded and suffocated his eyes. He'd rather just not have existed than be here...or did he?; he questioned himself. No matter how many times he tried to think differently, his mind seemed to wander back to whether or not he regretted. Regretted living. Regretted losing everything he could remember. Regretted...letting his guard down. He closed his eyes to ground himself. Remember what the world used to look like. All he had was his body. His meat sack as he called himself. He could tell he was crying. He almost always was crying. There felt like no stop to it. Is this were all his emotions went? He has never felt as emotional as he had been throughout his time in the void. How he longest see anyone. He longed for his family. He longed for...Dave. He felt himself sobbing harder. God, he felt so useless. The only thing he could do is kill Henry...and he needed help to do that.

He had been talking with Fredbear for a while now. "You do realize what effect this could have on you, Wi-" The holy golden bear was cut off.
"Yes, just please..."
"I-" The bear sighed. "Alright. Just, tell him that he did a good job."
"Huh? Why can't you?"
"Well, I can't enter the void and...if this doesn't work I...won't be able to see you two..."
"Don't say that! It has to work..."
"I-I appreciate your optimism, William. Just...alright. You know what? It will work, William."
Fredbear laid a hand on Dave and suddenly his soul has called forth. Fredbear split the soul in two and sent one to Jack. He then put the other back inside of Dave. "I will now send you to him, are you ready, William?"
Fredbear smiled and waved his hand, sending Dave to Jack in the void.

(Alrighty, now we got the gæ!)
Jack had stopped thinking about those thoughts. His mind was only filled with 'what if this' or 'what if that' s. He only wished he had- "Hello, Old Sport..." He heard it...a voice so unique he could never forget it. The voice sounded timid and shy. Far from the ones he would play in his mind to feel happy. "D-dave...?" He hadn't talked in what felt like an eternity. He had no one to talk with. He turned around and...he was standing there...actually here..."Yes, it's me, sportsy."
He ran to the man in front of him. "Dave!"
"Jesus," Dave said with a chuckle, "we only just found each other, don't kill me now!" Dave said jokingly.
"H-how? I- sorry. I jus-st uh-"
"No need to apologize! Anyway, I asked Fredbear if he could half my soul so that you'd have a soul again!"
"W-wait but that hurts- a-are you o-okay?" Jack would never forgive himself if he was the reason that Dave got hurt.
"H-hey I'm fine! Here, I know what'll cheer you up!"
"Hm-" Jack was cut off by an unexpected, but welcomed kiss. He kissed back and it was passionate. They could stay like that forever and nether of them would mind. They both melted further into the kiss until they literally ran out of breath. They just stared at each other and smiled. A flower can bloom even in the worst conditions.

(Not me making this cause I love in a constant state of denial- Anywayyyyy, love you sweeties 😘✌.)

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