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[hopefully uploaded at the same time as the other part because I didn't like (nah I hated) last part.]


For a place considered to be the afterlife, it was easy to forget you were actually dead.

Sunlight streamed into an open window, finding its way onto two certain people laying together.

Jack was laying ontop of Dave, with one of Dave's hands laying on him.

They had only just started to get up, not bothering to move from their positions.

While it was still a new feeling to them, they loved the warmth felt in moments like this now.

Jack moved his hands and placed them on Dave's face, appreciating his beauty.

Dave still hadn't opened his eyes, but he smiled lightly before moving to sit up slightly.

Jack leans up and peppers Dave in kisses, making Dave smile more.

He finally opens his eyes and stares at Jack with mischievous intent.

He wraps his arms around Jack's waist and pulls him down, smothering him in kisses.

He slowly lets go, watching Jack's face redden. He smiles to himself, jokingly adding, "that's what you looked like last night~."

At this, Jack covers his face in Dave's chest. Dave grins, "aww~ why're you embarrassed~?"

Jack laughs slightly, "I just realized anyone here could've heard us...we weren't exactly quiet-"

"No offense Sportsy, but I don't really care what your family hears at night."

Jack sighs a little, "I know...but it's embarrassing for me..."

Dave continues looking at Jack before realizing how badly he'd craved affection for so long, and now it was handed to him on a silver plate everyday now.

He also realized how correct Jack was, since he remembered their door being slightly opened, and now it was closed, meaning someone besides them closed it last night.

"I love you, Jack." The sudden comment made Jack light up. "Goddamnit, Dave. We just woke up..."

Dave grinned, knowing exactly what he was doing. "Awww, how do you look both cute, adorable, and hot at the same time~?"

He watched as Jack smiled at the comments. Jack responded, dragging out his words, "ugh, Dave you're such a tease."

The nickname made Dave visually beam. "Okay, okay. Now we actually gotta get up, babe."

"Ugh...5 more minutes, love?"
Dave sighed, "alrightttt, c'mere."

Dave pulled him closer, carefully wrapping his arms around Jack's torso.


Dee laid in her bed, pulling her pillow to cover he ears.

It was bad enough when Steven and Peter began dating...but when Jack and Dave finally got together?

She's this, thisss 🤏 close to just fucking running away.

She didn't even care if her family would miss her, she'd sooner leave them than go crazy for them.

If she had to listen to her own brother moan her own killer's name ONE more time, she's gonna go jump off a bridge.

It'd be fine (if not mildly annoying) if it only happened at most once a week, but at least once a fucking day?

Not a fucking chance. Needless to say, Dee was not happy in the slightest.


Justice for my girl Dee ✊
also, I didn't like this part that much either so idfk anymore 😭

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