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[I'm sick of typing out names imma default to a first letter basis. so, Dave = D Jack = J, etc.]

"No one loves you." William looked up at Henry. "W-what??" W responded, making h sigh. "Look at the situation clearly. Everyone who's ever loved you has left. The only one who bothered to stay with you was me." W's eyes widened as h continued. "You're too much of a fucking mess for anyone to even attempt to help. And your 'problem' isn't real, you just want attention." h's eyes were sharp. "I've seen your suicide notes. The fact that you think that's your only way out it seriously pathetic."

"You're weak. And you've failed every attempt, you're pathetic. You just want the fucking attention of others because you think you're better than everyone else. No wonder everyone talks behind your back." W was now struggling to breathe. "Don't fucking start with that again. You wanna know what everyone thinks about you? They think you're a pathetic bitch. They only pretend to be nice to you out of pity."

h wasn't stupid, he was a 'doctor' after all. He knew W was having a panic attack. "Why else would anyone want to be seen within 20 fucking feet of you? No one would even pretend to care about you if it wasn't for you manipulating them into thinking you had a 'problem.' I'm a doctor, bitch. I know much more than you and the worst thing you have is histrionic personality disorder. I bet you don't even know what that is, dumbass."

"No one will ever love you."

- - -

Dave found himself once again struggling to breathe. He could hear h screaming at him to shut up because of how pathetic he was. He could hear him yelling his name, he could himself feel being shook and he got ready to be hit again. He waited, and...waited...but he couldn't feel anything. Had he already gotten to the stage where h's hits were numb? "Dave, hey,'s okay, I'm here."

D slowly opened his tightly shut eyes to see Jack sitting in front of him. He was still sobbing, but slightly calmed at the sight of J. "It's okay, look, I'm right here." J slowly and carefully wrapped his arms around D. D leaned into his touch, albeit very hesitantly. "I'm's okay, you're okay." D sobbed more heavily hugging J tighter. "It's okay, let it out..." They sat there for almost 9 minutes as J continued trying his best to comfort D.

D's sobs eventually calmed down, but he was still visually shaking and lighting crying. "I..I'm s-sor..ry..." J gently shook his head. "No, it is not your fault, Dave. Don't apologize..." D laid his head on J's shoulder. "S..sorry..." J shook his head again and rubbed D's back as he slowly continued to calm further. He brought his other hand up to gently rub D's hair. J soon felt D eventually almost completely stop shaking.

D's grab on J had lightened and his breathing was noticeably quieter. "Are you okay?" D slowly nodded at J's question, but looked ever so slightly hesitant. " me?" J's heart dropped at the question. "Of course I do, Dave...why else would I stay with you?" D sighed and nuzzled his face into J's neck. "Promise?" J gently nodded his head. "Of course Dave, I promise." D gently kissed J's chin as his body slowly stopped moving.

"Davey?" D responded by simply humming. J lightly smiled. "Are you tired?" D nodded. "C'mon. Let's go to bed." J slowly stood up and held out his hand. D took his hand and followed him.


"Thank you..." D inhaled. "Sorry..." J frowned and brought D into a hug, "please...nothing about that was your fault. I love you, so, so much." J pulled D into a kiss and placed both his hands on his face. D closed his eyes and hugged J closer.


J felt unusually warm, like another blanket had been placed on top of him. However, he knew exactly what (or who) was the cause of this. He turned around and hugged D back. While it was warmer than what he was used to, it was a welcomed warmness. He started drifting back to sleep before giving D a kiss on his cheek. He was at that weird state where you're half asleep and half awake for a couple of minutes as he laid there.


[I'm getting bored of straight fluff (albeit with some tiny little angst) imma make the next one them getting together 👍]

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