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(Part 2 to make up for me giving up halfway through the first one)

(Third person pov)
They had found a comfortable position where Jack laid on top of Dave, who was sitting with his back to the wall. Jack had fallen asleep and Dave was on his phone. He looked at the time and sighed. It was 5:55pm, almost time to leave. "Old Sport, it's almost time to leave." He said, shaking Jack a little. Jack just groaned in response. "Ugh...5 more minutes."
"In five more minutes, we'll be leaving, Sportsy."

Jack thought for a second before talking. "You might need to carry me after what just happened." Dave was confused for a bit and then remembered that they literally just had sex an hour ago. He blushed a little. "I guess you have a point." Jack smiled, partly because he just won the argument, partly because he loved Dave's NY accent. He slowly drifted back into a nap. Dave looked at the time on his phone and it was now 5:59pm. He sighed and carefully picked Jack up. He put his phone in his pocket and started heading outside.

He sneakily left because he knew that if phoney saw them, he'd yell at them for not really doing their job.

(Okay. Have fun with this, sweeties. ❤❤❤)

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