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(First time trying to actually make them fuck while in character. Anyway, Third person pov.)

Jack slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by a familiar purple man. "Hey, Old Sport!" It was only now that Jack realized that Dave was sitting oh him. Also, his blanket had been pulled off. "What's up, Dave?" Jack tried to sit up, but Dave refused to move. "Nothin' much, just thought we could have some pre-honeymoon fun~" Dave lowered down a little to Jack. Oh yeah, they got married in Vegas. "Don't we have work though?" Dave just rolled his eyes. "Who cares about Phoney? I'd rather fuck you than have to deal with his shit for even a second." Dave lowered down even more. "And, I'll just say that you hurt your legs. He doesn't have to know." Jack took a second to think. "Yeah, alright. I don't care if I won't be able to walk to be honest." Dave smiled. He lowered down even more and kissed Jack. He kissed back and started to pull the purple man's shirt off. Dave pulled off Jack's shirt too.

Soon, the two men were naked. Dave moved to Jack's neck to find his good spot. "Mm~" Jack softly moaned when Dave reached one spot. Dave then started to abuse that spot, definitely leaving a hickey later. But, nothing that Jack couldn't hide with his make-up. Dave pulled away and grabbed some lube (who knows where that came from tbh). He spread Jack's legs and put some lube on his fingers. He sucked on Jack's neck again as he put one finger in. "Mm~" Jack moaned. Dave waited for him to get used to the feeling before sticking another finger in. "Ah~" Jack moaned slightly louder this time. Dave moved around a little before pulling out. He put his member in almost immediately after. Jack shut his eyes and bit his lip. Dave then started to thrust in and out at a normal pace. He sped up after a while and now he was going pretty fast. Jack kept letting out small moans. He shifted his aim a little to find Jack's prostate. "AH~ F-FUCK~" He found it. He started to pound into it giving Jack a mix of pain and pleasure. Jack kept moaning loud and Dave loved it. After a while Dave felt a shiver down his spine. He pulled away from Jack's neck. "I'm gonna-" He was cut off by Jack. "D-don't AH~ pull o- AGH~ out." Jack could barely talk through moans. Dave came inside of Jack with tears forming in both of their eyes from how much pleasure they felt.

Dave moved down to Jack's member. "Can I suck you off?" Jack nodded. Dave smiled and licked the tip. "Hmm~" Jack hummed. Dave took in the full length. "Ah~" Jack liked how Dave's mouth felt. Dave sucked on it and used his tongue to add to Jack's pleasure. "F-fuck~" Jack muttered under his breath. Dave loved hearing his moans. He sucked harder. "AH~" Jack got louder from the added pleasure. Dave continued to suck harder until Jack came in his mouth. "D-DAVE I'M GOING TO~" Dave swallowed it and climbed back next to Jack. "I love you~" Jack rolled his eyes. "We just had sex, dork." He laughed. Dave scoffed. "Meanie T-T" Jack laughed again. He sighed. "Love you too." He hugged Dave. Dave hugged him back then pulled the covers on them and they fell asleep.


Phoney was stressed out. Where the f...heck were his employees? Normally only one wouldn't show up, but both of them? And no phone call? Not even a joke phone call? Were they having sex or something?? Eh, whatever. At least he can yiff fo- ct9v hh9bhv8h I business stuff...


(Lmaooooo, anyway hope you enjoy this, horny sweeties ❤❤❤
Also, dw, I won't take y'all to horny jail)

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