Chapter Fifty-Three: "Fulgari"

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Even When.

A/N: Hello everyone!

I'm alive! I hope you all are safe, warm, and well, and enjoying the holiday season. (Happy Christmas, if that's something you celebrate!) <3 <3 <3

Somehow, it's once again my birthday week, so it is maybe fitting that this chapter is rather sizeable. :) <3 (It's a little over 61k). As with "Circles," I've broken this into pieces (eight) using "###" to mark good potential break points, for those who would like to utilize that.

Thank you so much for reading and/or taking the time to comment/kudos. Many of you have been on this journey with me since last year. [I cannot believe it's been a year since "Pine." That boggles my mind. To everyone who's read along since then--or even before--please take this internet hug.]

Unless you follow this fic's other platforms, you might've experienced a bit of confusion over the gap. I apologize for that. <3 <3 This chapter really got away from me. As discussed on other platforms, some life stuff cropped up, and in between juggling that and writing/editing for "Mollywobbles" (the Lumos prequel) and then this chapter, I haven't actually had a break since around the start of November. This is completely my own choice, but it did tire me out somewhat, and then working got a bit more time intensive as that went on and my brain descended more and more into ridiculous goop. :p (I wrote a post about this on the Lumos side blog, so I won't get too much into it here.)

TLDR: Treesap overdid it a bit, and now needs to take a week or so to recover properly. So, in the spirit of the holidays,  I'll be stepping back from writing until the start of January. (Probably. I might put out Atlas if I can.) So, you can expect the next Lumos update to arrive two weeks into the new year.

For those of you who aren't so much interested in "Mollywobbles," and/or have been patiently waiting for a Lumos update, I apologize. <3 <3 <3 Thank you so much for being patient. It was not my intention to leave such a long gap between updates!! <3

Before starting this chapter, I highly recommend reading "Mollywobbles" (which is now complete, save for an eventual epilogue). It's not necessary to follow Hermione's narrative in Lumos: "Fulgari," but the development and backstory in that fic do lend more depth to certain points in this one (especially this chapter). It's linked within the Lumos Universe, and you can also find it on my profile, I think. <3 However, if you'd rather not, no worries! <3 <3 <3

[For Wattpad readers: the first part of that story is posted on this account. However, the whole of it (save for an eventual epilogue) is currently available on AO3 under the "Treesap" profile. If you google "Mollywobbles Treesap AO3" it'll probably be the first thing to come up. That said, I can upload the remainder of the fic here, if anyone would like.]

On a positive note, we're going celebrate a milestone: Treesap kept a healthy sleep schedule for the entirety of working on this chapter. :) Not just no all-nighters, but a genuinely, mostly-balanced sleep schedule. I'm quite pleased. <3 <3 Thank you to everyone who has commented/poked me about that. <3 <3 <3

As always, I do not own this story world or these characters.

Alright, grab your snack (I recommend peanut butter biscuits or gingerbread, this week), your drink (I'm polishing off a butterscotch soda, but hot cocoa would better suit this update, I think), and an quality quilt/dog/cat/friend. Also, if there was ever a week for fuzzy socks, it's this one.
Let's dive in. <3

[Since this playlist is so long, I'm placing the normal "sound cues" that go with each song on this post in the side blog:]

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