Chapter Twenty-Four: "Fever Fudge"

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Author Notes: For Wattpad Readers--I usually include these on the AO3 posts, so I'm going to try putting them at the start of my chapters here as well, despite there not being a designated slot for them. If this bothers you, just scroll to the line. If you don't mind, please let me know in the comments if you'd like me to continue sticking these in on Wattpad like this. I will not be offended if you all don't like it. I'm mostly doing it because I usually offer playlist suggestions in the notes on AO3, and while I splice some videos in on Wattpad, some weeks there are just general songs or so many that I offering the list in text for those who want it is more practical.

 Hi everyone! <3 I hope this week finds you safe and well!

Thank you so much for your kindness, comments, and kudos last chapter! <3
This chapter is a special-edition double-length chapter to celebrate the start of December and all of the Hygge vibes that it brings. See, we're going to pretend that this was an intentional choice, rather than me getting ridiculously carried away with Hogsmeade. (I cut somewhere between seven and ten thousand words from this chapter draft during editing, which only brought us to 19k. I am sorry.)

SONGS: "I'll Be Seeing You" by Billie Holiday (honestly on repeat for the first couple scenes), "Blaze of Love" by Starship (just in general), "Godspeed" by James Blake/"I Wanna Be Yours" by Artic Monkeys (moving day scene), "Mama Mia" by Abba (for the bit from the teaser/watching from the window moments), "Light that Fire" by Oh The Larceny (Sept 12), "Living on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi (it'll be obvious), "Wellerman" by The Longest Johns (you'll know), Cozy song of your choice/"I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm" by Kay Starr (birthday), "Lay All Your Love On Me," by Abba (you'll know), "I Wanna Be Yours" by Artic Monkeys/"Someone To You" by Banners (last scene).

As always, I do not own the rights to this storyworld or to these characters.

I am running on very little sleep at the present moment (I'm okay! I was having too much fun writing and kept forgetting to go to bed), so please pardon any typos! I tried to be thorough while editing, but I almost certainly missed things. <3 <3

Grab your snack (I suggest peanut butter cookies or a warm scone for this week), your drink (it's gotta be Chamomile or coffee this week), and maybe set up a blanket fort. You deserve one. <3
Now, let's dive into Hogsmeade, where snow coats the ground...



September 5, 1998

Hermione watched him, her books clutched to her chest. She hadn't moved.

She was waiting for him.

The realization coursed through him like fire, and he apparated, popping onto the sidewalk beside her. Hermione jumped, then steeled herself, gripping her books more tightly.

"You shouldn't apparate in a crowded street!" she said, her brows drawing together.

"Not a single note," George snapped. "Not one owl." The words were an echo of what she'd yelled at him the night of Ginny's party, and Hermione's eyes widened. George's hands flexed, and he stuffed them in his pockets. "I—we—all of us, really—we were so worried."

Hermione inhaled sharply. "I didn't know what to do," she said, her voice raspy. "With everything that happened, I didn't want to make you all feel uncomfortable, and—" She paused, coughing into her shoulder. Dark circles rimmed her eyes, and her cheekbones appeared sharper and more pronounced. His stomach pinched as his gaze worked over her.

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