Chapter Fifty-Four: "Holiday"

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Wingardium Leviosa

A/N: Hello again!

Happy Monday. [Cue Treesap staring into the camera with a thousand-yard stare.]
[I'm so sorry for the wait. Thank you so much for being patient through drafting and edits on this update. <3 <3 <3]

I hope you all had a lovely holiday season, and that you're quite safe and warm, [and live somewhere where the air doesn't hurt your face when you go out of doors]. <3 <3 <3 Thank you so much for taking the time to read, and/or for the comments and kudos on the last update. You all are so lovely and kind and encouraging. <3 <3

This chapter clocks in at just under 55k, so I've broken it into three parts, using the "###" mark for those of you who might find that helpful. This chapter is also a bit weepy, but for mostly good reasons.

Some housekeeping: We're aiming the next update for February 7! [Again--I apologize. I keep writing monster chapters, which messes with the schedule.]

A Disclaimer [very mild spoiler that isn't a spoiler if you've seen the teaser]: We fell down the rabbit hole researching airplanes and airports for this. Even still, there are bound to be inaccuracies, as I never did take a flight out of London Heathrow in 1999. Most of these issues will hopefully be unnoticeable, unless one of you has a keen interest in airplane travel from 23 years ago. In that case, you have my full apologies for creative licenses taken here. I really did do my best.

Further apologies for any typos and mistakes, I've been editing for a few days, and I'm certain I missed some. <3

This update was originally planned for the end of December. So, please wind yourself back in time as you read, and pretend I did not leave you to suffer the first weeks of winter with "Fulgari" as a parting note.

As always, I do not own the rights to these characters or to this story world.

Playback Instructions for those who'd like them are available in this link:
BONUS--Georgie's Special Mixtape:

CW: Mention of Pregnancy/Family planning (March 28, 8:22), Mention of prenatal nutrition (April 2, 10:01 a.m.)


LUMOS: Chapter Fifty-Four: "Holiday"


March 28, 1999, 12:12 a.m.

Some grief weighs on a person like a millstone around the neck. It drags loud and heavy with each step into the future, unforgettable. A scourge. A burden. A millstone. An anchor to regret.

Hermione stooped forward, sobbing, and George pressed the heel of his palm to his chest.

She carried her grief carried like invisible chains.

There was a muggleborne wizard who lived some time before by the name of Charles Dickens. Dickens wrote a sizeable number of stories and managed to enrage an even more impressive number of the stodgiest pureblood families by releasing them to both wizarding and muggle presses. Brilliant, he was.

And terrifying. The people he invented and the things he set them to had always left an uncomfortable twinge in George's middle. The idea that there were some mistakes that could never be righted hollowed him through to his core.

Marley was the worst of the lot. Doomed to wander around in anguish for all eternity, never finding home or comfort.

And while Dickens's Marley had fastened his own burdens around his frame—

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