Chapter Eighteen: "Whomping Willow"

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A/N: Hi everyone!

I hope you've had a great week. :) Thank you so much for continuing to take the time to read, comment, and kudos. Every chapter, I'm so nervous and excited for you all to see it. It can be sort of scary posting sometimes, but working on a deadline that other people care about has really helped me as a writer. You all have been so encouraging. So, thank you for sticking around. <3 <3 <3

The songs for this week are "Hey Brother" by Avicii, "Brother" by Kodaline, and two by Abba--"Fernando" and "Take a Chance On Me."

OKAY. THAT SAID. You're going to want to get your comfiest pajamas on for this one. (I mean, you don't have to. I don't make the rules. This is only a suggestion.) Maybe some warm soup (I had tomato while editing, and it was very good) or chamomile tea?

As always, I do not own the rights to this story world or characters.

Let's dive in. <3



May 4, 1998

George woke to the feeling of a hand, skating through his hair, brushing it back from his brow. Breath filtered into his lungs, and he mumbled, turning his head to the side, leaning into the touch.

"Wake up, George," it was Hermione's voice, soft and kind over him.

What a wonderful dream. The trail of warm sparks fluttered over his face. Oh, just let him melt away into nothing, with this as his last memory.

He'd been so tired, for so long.

"Reckon we could shave his eyebrows off?" Fred's voice was louder, full of mirth.

George's eyes flew open, and he blinked at the orange rays filtering through the curtains. He'd fallen asleep, book in his lap, head propped on the sofa. Granger was leaning over him, terrycloth robe wrapped around her pajama-ed shoulders, her curls in wet ringlets from the shower.

"You looked so comfortable that I didn't want to disturb you," she said, grinning. "It's your turn for the shower, though, and I figured you wouldn't want to miss it."

"Right," George said, mouth dry and head spinning. Had he really fallen asleep out here? In the living room? He pushed himself to his feet, joints groaning. The mileage from the battle had caught up to him overnight, and every muscle in his body ached. "Thanks."

"Anytime, George," Hermione said. She patted him on the shoulder and proceeded into the kitchen. Once her back was turned, Fred leaned forward, smacking a hand into George's arm.

"Shut it," George whispered.

"I didn't say anything," Fred whispered.

George pinned him with a murderous look and headed up the stairs.


Breakfast was crowded, but that was wonderful. It was the first time all the Weasley children had been back around the table in years. Bill and Charlie were having a bit of fun with Percy. They kept asking him to fetch them more tea or strips of bacon, and Percy was tolerating it, popping back and forth from the table to the kitchen, not complaining when Bill would chime in, asking for something else right as Percy sat down and picked up his own fork.

Eventually, they'd break him.

Fred and Angelina, meanwhile, were totally absorbed in each other, laughter and elbows going back and forth, rough housing at the breakfast table. His mum couldn't get them to sit still long enough to plan their wedding reception.

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