8~Would Jesus approve of your behavior?

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Ty's gaze lingered on Annie, as they quietly worked together in the kitchen. She washed the dishes and he dried and put them away. A few wayward strands of cherry-blonde hair escaped her ponytail and fell in an adorable mess around her face. Warm tenderness filled him along with the desire to protect and cherish her. He loved her so much.

As if she could feel his gaze, her eyes lifted to his and the smile she gave him made him feel like the luckiest man.

"We survived," he said, reaching out and brushing a piece of hair from her cheek. The simple touch made him burn with desire. He dropped his hand.

"More than survived. You seized the opportunity to tell Gary about Jesus. I think he might actually read those Bible verses you mentioned."

Ty prayed she was right. "I hope so."

"Rachel thought he was a Christian. Maybe he is, but some of his ideas are suspect."

"You weren't offended Caleb and I didn't help cook dinner?" He studied her, genuinely curious.

"Ty! I love to cook. I can't believe you're asking me that. Were you offended when I called you for help when my car wouldn't start?" She paused. "How about when my dad hurt his back and you cleaned the gutters?"

"I didn't think so, but I had to ask." He put the last plate in the cabinet and turned to her. "Annie, I don't want to ever hurt you."

"You won't."

She was beautiful. The soft longing in her eyes made him want to gather her in his arms. He wanted to touch her, but he resisted. "How is Rachel?"

Annie dried her hands, and they moved to the couch in the living room. "She feels awful about tonight. I told her it wasn't her fault, but she blames herself."

"Caleb was upset, but he doesn't blame Rachel. He knows he made a mistake pushing her away." Ty picked up the remote and turned on the TV. "Is she interested in Gary?"

"They're friends. She insisted he wasn't as..." Annie's forehead puckered as she thought. "I think she used the word arrogant. He wasn't as arrogant as he came across tonight."

"He could've been nervous. Caleb can be intimidating."

"I thought Caleb was charming tonight. Rachel thought so too. She struggled to keep her eyes off him."

"Was she trying to make him jealous?"

"No. She had no idea Caleb would even be here tonight." Annie yawned. "Rachel doesn't play games, but maybe it wasn't a bad thing that Caleb saw them together."

Ty put his arm around her shoulders, turned his head, and their gazes collided.

Annie's next breath was ragged. It was amazing how one look from Ty could make her entire body shiver.

She watched his eyes darken, fire kindling in their depths. Ty tore his gaze from hers suddenly. "We should ask God to help them."

"Yes," she somehow managed to say.

They finished their prayers and settled onto the couch. Annie rested her head on his shoulder and they watched an old sitcom rerun.


Annie snuggled deeper into the warmth. She'd never slept this good and was reluctant to get up even though she felt the sunlight warming her face.

Arching her back, she stretched. Her face was planted against a hard wall of muscle. The rest of her was pressed along a familiar body.

Leaving the 99 (Heart Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now