Chapter 18 - Spencer's POV

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Our first rogue drop off went smoother than I thought it was going to go. Lena dropped back several miles from the border and sent a low howl after I shifted and started leading the group towards the border.

They met us at the tree line and after a short introduction took in the group.

"Will you be back?" I assumed was Mike asked.

I nodded, "We're hoping to have a new group every other month. Takes time traveling between the Gulf pack and here."

"Wait, hold up. What do you mean by we?" someone else asked. "We thought it was you who howled."

"No, it was Lena."I responded.

Silence followed for a brief moment. "Where is she?" Mike asked worry in his tone.

"She held back, she's...... not herself right now."I answered.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" yet another asked.

"Whatever happened to her before I found her changed her, she withdrew into herself and her wolf gained control. She's fine though, able to shift to her human form but only briefly. I can't know for sure if she'll ever be herself again but for now she's fine."

There was another moment of silence before Mike nodded seeming content with my explanation.

"Better than the alternative. Keep an eye on her, and bring her back if you can. We'll see you next time." they turned and led their guests back to their main building.

I watched them leave and didn't notice someone had stayed behind.

"Is she really fine or are you just saying that to make Mike stop questioning about her?" he asked.

I took him in but from what Lena told me about the Light Wolves I couldn't place a name to the face. "She's better than when I first met her almost a month ago. She's shifted a handful of times but can't stay in her human form for long since her wolf only has so much control." I responded.

"So basically Lea is keeping her from losing herself." he answered more to himself than to me.

"Is that her wolfs name, Lea?" I asked.

He nodded, "To be honest even we don't know much about her. She has obvious trust issues and prefers to keep to herself so be careful. Whatever relationship you've gained with her, try your best to keep it but don't push it either. If you lose her you might not be able to get her back." He gave a final nod and turned to head back to the house.

I watched him leave for a few seconds longer before I turned and headed back to Lena.

When I got back she was looking over the map with a pen in her hand.

"Marking a new travel route. There isn't many rogues who'll want to join on the track we just took so we should probably look inland and go along the Atlantic and Mid-American pack borders. After that we'll just alternate between as rogues will start to spread out once they realize there's more open real estate for them." she spoke as I walked up and sat across from her.

"We'll find a fair few in the mountains who'll want to take the chance at a new opportunity at a pack life." I responded noticing the pen lines on the map for our new route. "We'll need supplies though, heavier clothing and better utensils for preparing food. We might have to bring food with us just an extra measure in case we're unsuccessful in hunting." I added.

She looked up at me and nodded in agreement. "The only problem is where we're going to get the money for all this."

"Once we get back down to the Gulf I'll ask Gibbs for a favor. He might not get everything but we'll worry about that when it comes." I responded folding the map back up and repacking the backpack.

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