Chapter 26

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Unknown POV
We were left alone for a week minus the two visits we received when two more wolves were brought each visit bringing our group of captured wolves to a total of ten. After the week of being left they started to take us one by one to be interrogated about our packs in exchange for some food and water. At the end of the day we would whisper amongst ourselves and we realized that they wanted to know all the same things about our packs; how many people, how many of them are trained and the layouts of the different pack houses. We also realized that we all collectively lied and gave them vague answers to their questions but it wouldn't work for much longer as they were starting to use physical punishment to get what they wanted. This went on for another week and our punishment switched to not receiving food or water unless we answered their questions correctly.

Each day started with one of us being taken at dawn and coming back around noon where they were tied back to their posts and someone else was taken and then returned at dusk. Once the first week was over the only wolf that wasn't taken for interrogation was the female that was tied next to me. I thought maybe they just forgot her but by the end of the second week she still hadn't been taken in yet, however, they took her twice a day to use the bathroom and all she got for food was two pieces of bread and a cup of water everyday. Her scent smelled of a high ranker but I couldn't tell what pack she was from and every time one of us made an attempt to try to talk to her she wouldn't say anything and just continued to stare at the ground.

After a month of the constant everyday schedule the guards didn't arrive at dawn for one of us and instead the Alpha of the pack came instead followed by his Beta and mate.

"Have you guys figured it out yet? The reason why you're all each is almost close enough to touch." He said as he walked down the hill towards us.

We all looked up at him but the girl next to me seemed to make an attempt to get smaller. I was so busy watching her body language and trying to figure out why she was reacting the way she was that the Alpha had continued to talk again.

"You all have something in common and it all starts from your past. C'mon Lena why not give them a hint." He said walking over and standing over the girl next to me.

We all looked to her as she rose her head and glanced over each of us before hanging her head again. The Alpha reached down and grabbed the chain that connected her metal collar to the post and yanked it upwards forcing her to look at him.

"They're here because of you so I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize them. I wouldn't want to break ally treaty or start wars if I were you." He threatened her before letting go of the chain and letting her fall back to the ground.

"I would figure out exactly what you have in common which is also the key to finding out why you're all here in the first place." He announced to us as he left again with his Beta and mate following him.

Just as they were about to round the corner and out of view his mate turned and seemed to stare down someone a few people over from me before turning back around and out of view.

We fell back into silence and I for one started to think about what he had said and what he meant by "you all have something in common and it all starts from your past." It was the automatic assumption that we all had met or known each other at some point but I just couldn't remember where or when and that was the real question. No one came to bring us food that evening and as the sun dropped behind the mountains we settled down for the night as always hoping for a better morning, but like every morning since we've been taken it wasn't.

Dawn broke and guards came but instead of picking someone for questioning two of them approached our group and started shortening our chains until each of us had barely enough space to walk around in. They stepped back and stood on the sidelines as the Alpha stepped forward and walked down to the girl next to me before stopping and looking around at each of us in turn.

"I'll make it easier for you since you're just not getting it and I'm tired of waiting for you to." he said. "You were all born from the same pack before you were separated into the packs you currently belong to. The Alpha's of that pack, Tom and Celina of Blue Rock, were her parents before they were killed by Alpha Richard and he took over but you guys were evacuated out before that happened. She was left behind and subjected to a miserable life full of abuse, lost just about everything she cared about including her Alpha title to her pack. She may not know you and you may not know her but you know of her and her parents and what they represented. You also know that she's the reason you're all here being interrogated and deprived of food." He announced. He stooped down and grabbed the chain a few inches from her collar and lifting her until her feet barely touched the ground.

"This isn't going to be an interrogation for you Lena; it's going to be torture sessions until you give me what I want. So let's get this first thing out of the way, accept my rejection so we can continue and I can finally formally accept Audrey as my mate." he pushed her back against the post completely lifting her off the ground and got in her face.

She had her hands around his wrist and was staring him down and seemed to think before she shook her head no. He stepped back and pulled her with him before he slammed her back against the post and all she did was wince and shake her head again. He growled in frustration and slammed her against the post two more times until she actually groaned in pain and he got in her face again.

"I'll tell you again, accept my rejection or what you just felt will be the least of your worries." he threatened.

"I've lived through worse so try your best." she answered.

He backhanded her hard enough that her head snapped to the side and he let her drop to the ground. She sat up and looked up at him before spitting a mouthful of blood in his direction. "You don't deserve the satisfaction of my rejection until I decide to give it to you so you'll have to kill me to get what you want." she said wiping the blood from her chin.

He walked a few feet away and growled in frustration before stomping back to her and kneeing her in the face before kicking her in the ribs after she had fallen to her side. I could hear all the air leave her lungs and we watched as he stormed back up the hill followed by all the guards except for two leaving us alone once again.

We all shared glances but our attention was brought back to Lena as she slowly sat back up taking slow breathes.

"I'm fine don't worry about me, I've handled worse." she said leaning against the post and holding her side where the Alpha had kicked her.

I didn't push it and neither did anyone else so we fell back into our usual silence aside from the occasional small conversation.

The rest of the day passed without any further visitors aside from the guard switch out which also meant more stale bread and a bottle of water. Night fell just like always but when morning came it was not what we expected.


Lena's POV

Everything hurt after Dylan left me on the ground but Lea was working on repairing the cracked ribs.

"I swear as soon as we get out of here I'm going to rip his throat out and watch the light leave his eyes." she growled.

I agreed with her and got as comfortable as I could against the hard wooded post. I stayed still and took shallow breaths until Lea was able to heal most of the damage after that the day passed slowly until the guards came to switch out and give us water and bread. Once the sun started to set we all settled in and I thought that it would go back to how it was a few days ago and that we would be woken up when someone would get taken for questioning before coming back and someone else would be taken before we got our bread and water for dinner and everything would restart the next day and so forth until Dylan got bored or we somehow got rescued.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

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