Chapter 19

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Lena's POV
I woke the next morning to a light dusting of snow on the ground, the seasons were changing. I stood up and shook what little snow that was on my back off before shifting and putting on a pair of sweats and a hoodie.

Several months had passed since we first started bringing rogues to Vermont and since then word had spread to where we would pick up clusters of them on our route north. We were currently heading back to Vermont with our fourth group which was probably around thirty or so wolves more kids and younger adults then older.

I sat next to Spencer at the fire where he had breakfast going.

"This is the last trip. There's less of them waiting with every pass and packs that aren't taking any in are starting to notice the lack of rogues in the area and increasing their borders." I told him.

He nodded, "I noticed too. When we get there what will we do? Just become part of their pack and you'll just go back to how it was before you went to Dylan?"

"No." I responded. "I have a few things I need to do before I go back to my life."

He looked up at me, "Are you going alone?"

"Yes. I've put you through enough these last few months between stuck in wolf form and then my mark finally fading which helped me get back to being somewhat normal and then Dylan finding a new mate which just caused more problems. I won't be gone long maybe two or three months at most, sooner if it fails." I told him.

He sighed but didn't say anything and an hour later we had the group back up and trekking through the trees. We would reach Mike and the rest by tomorrow morning and I would leave right after for what I was hoping to be a successful plan.

We traveled in silence except for the soft padding of our paws hitting the forest floor and when we finally stopped it was late evening and maybe a little over an hour away from our destination. We made camp and unwrapped the meat we caught earlier before putting it on the fire to cook. The kids ran around laughing as they were being chased by the older kids in a game of tag.

"What is it like?" Someone asked to my left.

I hadn't noticed she had sat next to me until she spoke up. She was on the younger side but a few years older than me and had a toddler on her hip.

'I'm sorry?" I responded not completely understanding her question.

"What is it like to live in a pack? I've only ever known how to live as a rogue. Being told since you were old enough to understand that you had to constantly be on the move or risk your life if you stayed in one place for too long." she said looking down at the baby.

I sighed, "That answer depends on who you ask. Some packs are like one big family, always helping one another and being there if anyone needed them. Some are quite the opposite, where the moment you get your wolf you stick up for yourself in the pack and if you can't keep up and pull your own weight you're useless to them." I responded.

"Like the Black Hills Pack." she whispered.

I nodded, "Yes, but most packs are somewhere in the middle of the two though. Separated by your pack status but always there to back you up and provide assistance when needed. Most packs are the way they are because of the Alpha but sometimes it's the environment or just how the pack operates." I answered.

She nodded. "Our parents were killed by the Black Hills Pack guards simply because they were rogues. They were trying to find a home for me and my siblings to grow up in but the Alpha wanted no part. Me and my siblings were going to move on but his oldest son was very welcoming and managed to convince the Alpha to let us stay in one of the empty houses for a few days to rest before moving on. It was then we realized that my younger sister was his mate and while his father wasn't pleased about it he finally agreed only because it would give him a grandchild. The young Alpha was only a few years older than my sister but he promised he would love her always and not judge her because of what she was born into. We talk through our family link on a weekly basis along with my two brothers who joined the Yellowstone Pack to train as guards. I've visited every pack between here and where we first started hoping to find my mate but to no luck so I keep moving. But I'm tired so I'll probably stay with the Light Wolves and take care of little Emily here."

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