Chapter 28

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Dylan's POV

My plan to sleep in and take the morning off was ruined when my phone pinged with a text. I groaned rolling over and grabbing it from the nightstand before turning it on and glancing at the text: Blue Rock is on the way with back up to have a meeting. They didn't give an option and they said they'll be here early afternoon. The text from Lucien had me leaving my warm bed and Audrey for the shower and a change of clothes before I jogged down the stairs to my office where Lucien and one of my top warriors were waiting.

"When did you find out they were coming?" I asked closing the door.

"I texted you as soon as we got the message. Some of her cousins are coming and word is they're bringing Mike and a chosen few from Vermont." Lucien responded.

I nodded, "Alright, we have to make sure they don't find Lena and the rest so when they get here do a head count and make sure no one breaks from their group. I'm going to head over there and inform them about this so they can move them if necessary. Dismissed."

I followed them out of my office and they went their separate ways while I headed out to the garage. Half an hour later I pulled up and was met with one of the guards I had stationed here.

"We're getting visitors in a few hours. If need be I'll need you to move them somewhere they won't be found until it's clear to come back." I told him before he nodded his understanding. I walked around him to the shed and walked in to find the other guard sitting near Lena who was slumped against the wall but seemed to be sleeping.

"Don't worry, she's better than she was last time you were here." He said looking up before going back to his book.

I stepped closer and kneeled down next to her and he was right. Her heartbeat was steady and stronger than it was but there still a hitch every time she took a breath. "Good, now move her back to her spot. I don't care if you have to drag her there." I told him.

He gave me a questioning look but shrugged and got up anyway before moving to the wall and unlocking the chain attached to her leg. He grabbed the short chain between her cuffs and tugged pulling her forward into a sitting position. She groaned as her head lilted to the side but she didn't move more than that. He glanced at me again.

"She's still being used as an example so if you have to drag her back up the hill to join the others so be it." I told him.

He took that as permission and tugged on her arm one more time giving her a last chance but all she did was slump forward. He flipped her so she was facing the ceiling and started to head towards the door walking out of it with me following behind. Her heels dragged in the dirt bringing leaves and the remaining morning frost with them as she was dragged around the shed and up the hill back towards the others and the empty wooden post.


Unknown POV

Lena had been gone for about a week but with the days melding together I wasn't sure, but it felt like a week when the sound of a truck engine pulled up early and the Alpha walked toward one of the guards. They exchanged words and they went down the hill to the shed where they had interrogated us and where we assumed they had taken Lena. Unfortunately we were right when one of the other guards reappeared dragging Lena behind him and when he got to her empty post next to me he reattached the chain to her cuffs and stepped back to let the Alpha approach.

"Since you haven't figured it out and she might be dead by the end of the day I'll just tell you." the Alpha spoke up. "Lena," he turned and pointed at her, "is your Alpha. You all came from the same pack, Blue Rock, and she was the Alpha's daughter before they were killed by Alpha Richard. She represents your pack at this moment; weak and vulnerable, but if you don't want to end up like her I suggest you give me the information I need to save yourself any further punishment."

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