Chapter 27

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*TW - physical abuse in this chapter

Lena's POV

That night was restless not just for me but I could hear a few others moving around and mumbling to themselves until I eventually fell into a dreamless sleep. When I did wake up I felt slightly rested but it seemed wrong from the start; I was inside somewhere on cold hard concrete and through a single window near the ceiling I could see that it was still night out. After getting my bearings and only getting unfamiliar scents from the room I got comfortable again now that I had more room to move around even though I was still cuffed with the chain attached to the wall on my left. I shuffled backward until my back was against the wall and used my arms as a pillow and hoped for more sleep.

"I'll keep an ear out if anything happens." Lea said before I dozed back off in a light sleep.

"Lena wake up someone's here." Lea spoke a short time later.

I had just lifted my head from the floor when a door closed somewhere off to my left. It took one inhale to know that it was Dylan but he had two others with him that were unknown to me. Dylan crouched in front of me while the other two hung back and seemed to wait for something for start but my attention was drawn back to Dylan when he reached behind him and pulled something out of his back pocket.

"Do you know what this is Lena?" he asked flashing a syringe.

I glanced at the syringe filled with a faint purple liquid and back to him before shaking my head.

"This my dear Lena is wolfsbane. In its plant form it's harmful to everyone including humans but when it's concentrated to a degree and chemically focused to attack certain genes it would target one's wolf and with enough injections and a high enough potency could eventually kill it." He paused and watched my reaction.

Lea whimpered in my head and I kept myself composed but on the inside I was freaking out and gauging if there was any possibility that I could break out of here before realizing that it was impossible.

"However, this concoction is just enough to separate you and your wolf for a short time until it wears off. If you don't give me the answers that I want I'll inject you with this. Once it starts to wear off and you still haven't given me what I want I'll give you another dose and another until your wolf is barely hanging on with a fraction of a possibility of coming back." he waved the syringe in my face again before putting it back in his pocket. "We start tomorrow so enjoy your remaining time with Lea and I'll see you in the morning.

He left the room with the two others following behind before they closed and locked the door behind them. I leaned back against the wall and pulled my knees up into my chest and hoped that he wasn't serious about killing Lea.

"You know he will Lena. He's capable of killing the both of us and shoving it under the rug before pitting our death on someone else and letting them take the blame for his deeds. What we don't know is why he's doing this. It's like a switched flipped and he's a whole different person than when we first met him." she said.

We fell silent and I struggled to stay awake before exhaustion finally won and I fell back into a dreamless sleep.

It didn't feel like very long before the door slammed open and Dylan walked into the room and flicked on the light I didn't even know was there. He was followed by two others who went to stand by the wall on my right.

"Easy way or the hard way, it's your choice." he said coming to kneel in front of me.


Sam's POV

Everything was heading back to being somewhat normal with almost everyone back in Vermont minus a few new recruits out west in a training program in California. I was getting caught up on paperwork with Jared and Leon when Mike linked us to come down to his office for something that had suddenly come up and was going to be taking priority over everything else. We were confused by the sudden change of plans but headed down anyway and were joined by Terry, Jared and Jonathon who were equally confused.

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