Chapter 16 - Sky's POV

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I had just hung up the phone with the St Louis Pack about any possible information about Lena when Sebastian linked me.

"I saw her! I saw Lena!"

I took a minute to gather myself before responding. "Where was she and was she alone?"

"She was about 10 miles from our western border. She was with about 15 wolves but one in particular was being overly protective. Blocked her off from us and once we noticed her he kept shoving her in the direction he wanted her to go in. They went north after that." he answered.

That was three days ago and since then we learned that they had passed through Crescent Moon and were continuing north. Autumn Moon hasn't seen them but they would let us know if or when they did, for now we just had to wait which was the hardest part about this whole situation.

"Taylor's back." Tyler linked me.

She had gone to track Lena which was how we found out they had gone to Crescent Moon. She went south to figure out where she had come from. Charley had gone with her to make sure she stayed safe and to keep her company. In the meantime, Sebastian stepped up to handle the Beta responsibilities in Charley's absence.

We walked out to greet them and was hoping for similar expressions of hopefulness but instead was the complete opposite.

"We were able to track them all the way to the Gulf Pack border where we found their campsite and then they came back north with about 15 other wolves." Taylor said as they got closer. "That's not the problem though. While we were tracking their scent Lena was by herself for a few days as she headed east. She was joined by the scent of a wolf that is still in the group but he's neither rogue nor pack wolf, he smells like a regular wolf. Also she was up in the mountains right up against the Black Moon border for almost a week." she continued.

We headed inside the house and towards the area where my office was as she talked.

"That was the same scent coming off the russet wolf we saw blocking us from her when they passed by our border a few days ago." Sebastian spoke up.

"Anything else?" I asked. Sitting at my desk after closing the door to my office.

Charley shook his head, "No, only that the group consisted of wolves before the first shift and wolves well into their golden years. Some were shifted and the rest weren't, probably to carry the children and assist the older members of the group."

"Thank you for going out and backtracking their scent. At least now we know what she's been up too recently and now we are relying on the northern packs for their cooperation. In the meantime, I'm going to call Mike and let him know that they are in the general area." Tyler responded getting up and heading for the door.

"What are we going to do if Mike is able to get her back?" Taylor asked.

"Other than us Mike is her best bet. I'm more concerned on if Autumn Moon catches her. We're not allies and with the recent pairing of their Beta's daughter and Dylan, they won't hesitate to kill her or worse." Tyler answered.

"Wait, what could be worse than death?" Taylor asked worry in her voice.

"Autumn Moon is the only pack not connected to the Light Wolves. They have a hunch that the rest of the packs have something they're hiding from them and if they can get their hands on Lena they could use her to get information either from her, us or worse Mike." Sebastian answered looking down at the table where Lena's file still sat open.

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