Chapter 29 - Sam's POV

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The entire time Dylan had Lena by the throat with a syringe at her arm was stressful. Bryan and Leon flanked me in wolf form while Sky went from post to post unlocking everyone else's chains and directing them back up the hill where Mike and Tyler gave them directions back to where the vehicles were located. Once everyone was freed Sky went back up the hill and exchanged a few words with Tyler before heading back into the trees after the others. The fighting between Dylan's pack members and us had ended and while the unconscious Black Moon pack was being watched over the remainder of our group Tyler shifted into his wolf and crept around behind Dylan with a wide enough arc that hopefully he would remain unseen. Unfortunately Dylan seemed to notice him and shifted just so slightly causing a chain reaction where everyone seemed to move at the same time.

Lena hit the ground just before I could reach her and just as Tyler's front paws made contact with the back of Dylan's shoulders knocking him forward and using his body weight to keep him on the ground while Mike came forward and zip tied his wrists together. I did a quick check on Lena before picking her up with an under legs and the other behind her back cradling her to my chest before as quickly as I could up the hill towards the tree line and the others.

I knelt back on the ground and waited impatiently as Mike and Tyler held a brief conversation with Leon after he had shifted before Tyler, Leon and the rest left Mike and headed toward me.

"You and Terry are coming to Blue Rock with Lena so she can receive immediate medical care. The remaining wolves that Dylan held are going to Vermont with the rest of your group before going to their respective packs while Dylan is put on trial for his crimes. Spencer has just been notified of Lena and is going to join us in Blue Rock and will bring you, Lena and Terry back north once she's clear to be moved. We're leaving right now." Tyler spoke once he was close.

I stood and followed him while Terry jogged to catch up after he shifted. Once through the trees we could see the trucks parked a few feet away with the two we brought from Vermont already almost full as everyone piled in. Sebastian and Bryan climbed into the far back row while Terry sat next to me as I held Lena and Tyler got behind the wheel while Sky took passenger seat. The doors were barely closed when Tyler put the truck in gear and turned us back to the access road and then east onto the highway. We sped back to the pack house where the doctors had already been notified and would be waiting for us when we arrived but it was still a several hour drive.


We were forced to stop two hours away from the pack border for gas and while we waited I searched and successfully found a blanket to wrap Lena up in since holding her and blasting the cars heat wasn't warming her up.

"How is she?" Tyler asked glancing in the rear view mirror once we were back on the highway.

"Not any better. She feels cold to the touch and her breathings shallow so whatever Dylan injected her with is preventing her from healing and I can't sense her wolf at all." I responded wrapping her up tighter and shifting her so her head was cradled in the crook of my neck.

The engine revved in response as Tyler pushed the truck faster and weaved between cars switching lanes as we rushed back to the house.


Once we got on Blue Rock territory we were escorted straight to their medical building where three people were already waiting for us with a gurney. They took her from me and rushed her into the E.R. holding me back when I tried to follow.

"Once she's in stable condition and in a room we'll come find you, but for now you need to stay here." one of the nurses said before following behind the other two.

Terry stayed behind with me while Tyler and the rest headed back to the pack house to find out about Dylan's trial and more information about the others found with Lena.

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