Chapter 9 - Mike's POV

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I was in my office finishing up some paperwork that needed to be done to finalize the expansion on our territory. Even though we had roughly 50-80 miles between our current border and their borders it was still too close to expand without permission. After finishing filling out the paperwork I faxed it to the Alpha and was putting the copy in an envelope when I got a response. He accepted the expansion and had put it on file that our border would be expanded by 30 miles.

I sent the response to Leon who I had placed in charge of our plans while Sam was in Black Moon. Other than me, both of them had been part of the Light Wolves the longest.

Sam had mind linked me earlier this morning letting me know that they were a few hours into the trip but they still wouldn't be here until tomorrow. He gave a brief rundown of the meeting yesterday after it was over and he suggested that when they got here tomorrow we should go over how we can help Lena. He also informed me that there was going to be an extra person joining them and before I could ask who it was he said it was Sebastian's mate.

I stood up from my desk and stretched. I needed to go for a run, badly.

As I walked out the back door I could see five of the guys sparring off to the side. Other than Leon, who was in his office, and the five in the yard everyone else was doing patrols.

I had given them the task of keeping an eye out for Lena or any of the Blue Moon pack members. We had bought several trail cams to make it easier but it wasn't enough to cover the entire border. As I crossed the tree line I let out a sigh I had been holding.

"We'll find her." My wolf Xavier spoke up.

"I know, but how long will it take and what state will she be in when we do?" I asked.
He didn't have a response to that.

I placed my clothes in the roots of a nearby tree and shifted. I shook out my fur and trotted off in a random direction. Other than sparring letting my wolf out for a few hours was the only way to relieve my stress, it was better than the alternative. As I shook that thought from my head I pushed myself faster weaving between trees and jumping over the fallen ones.

I was ten years older than her but I still though of Lena as my sister just like I treated the guys like my brothers, we were a family. Even though her mental link was still intact, it felt like a brick wall prevented us from getting through.

"We have a camera down on the east side of the lake if someone could check it out." Leon's voice sounded through the link.

"I'm already over here so I'll check it." Gregory answered.

After several minutes of silence he reported back that it looked like a squirrel or a bird had hit and knocked it off the base that connected it to the tree.

I spent the next few hours doing my own patrols to see if I could catch any familiar scent but by mid afternoon there was nothing. I turned and headed back to the house, but not before a branch cracking behind me caught my attention. I turned and saw a deer not ten feet from me, he paused mid step and watched me. We stood for what felt like minutes but was really only seconds before walked off further into the trees. He was followed by a few does and a younger buck who ignored me completely. Deer tended to pay us no mind, while looked like wolves they could smell that we were different and they only ran if we were actively hunting them.

I walked back into the house just as dinner was being prepped. I took a quick shower and changed before going back downstairs. I grabbed a plate and piled it with food before heading back up to my office, I still had several things that needed to be taken care of before we could build more structures in the territory.

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