Chapter 20

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Lexi's POV
"Ugh when is his phone call going to be over? He does know we have more important things to deal with right, I mean yes allies are great and everything but for the love of everything holy does it really take a three hour phone call to talk to one allied pack?" I groaned swiveling the chair in circles.

"Lexi it's been half an hour. Besides, he can take as long as he needs to keep our new alliance with Autumn Moon considering the Beta's daughter is now Dylan's mate." Taylor answered from her spot on the floor.

Taylor, Sebastian, Bryan and I were currently hanging out in Tyler's office waiting for his phone call to end so we could leave for the weekend. It was the first time in weeks that we were able to take the weekend off and we took advantage of it. Sky was going to join us in the afternoon and bring food so we could have a picnic and just catch each other up in recent events.

No sooner had the words left her mouth when Tyler walked back into the room as he was hanging up the phone. "Alright, that's taken care of. Now we can- Taylor what are you doing on the floor?" he asked looking up and raising an eyebrow at his twin.

"You're telling me you never have floor time?" she asked in mock surprise as she turned her head to see him.

"You're not a toddler get up." he sounded annoyed but he was failing miserably at hiding a smile as he turned to close his laptop and turn the lamp off.

She rolled onto her stomach and pushed herself off the ground before dusting off her leggings and leading the rest of us out of the room with Tyler bringing up the rear and closing the door behind us.

Sabrina was hanging out on the back deck when we walked out the back door. She got tired of waiting with us in the office and came out here to get a little fresh air and some quiet but got up and followed us as we headed for the trees.

Once we had shifted and stuffed our clothes into our duffels, we set out for the eastern side of the territory towards the beach. Not only was this trip time off from our busy lives assisting Tyler with the pack but it was also a chance to let our wolves out. Yesterday we had spent hours to convince Tyler to come with us and have Charley care for the pack while we were gone, telling him that while it seemed like a huge task it really wasn't. Most of the adults had work and after school the kids usually played games with their siblings and friends and that the only time he would need to do Tyler's job was if a call came through from another pack, other than that it would be a normal weekend. If something did happen to come up that needed our attention he could mind link us and we could be back at the house in a few hours.

We ran between the trees completely ignoring the trail altogether as we knew where we going. We had to take a few detours around towns and small cities but not to the point we had to shift to get by them. After running for a few hours we finally reached our destination; the old beach house. This wasn't the first time I've been here but recently Tyler had construction on it to take out the cells in the basement but hasn't decided what he wants to do with it and had added onto both the first and second floors. It was in its final stages of completion and all that remained was a new outside paint coat and a few rooms needed a new paint job and new flooring.

We stopped at the dunes along the side of the property and shifted back before walking along the boardwalk to the large house barefooted and holding our shoes. We put our bags in the living room and left the shoes at the back door before heading into the dining room and looking around at the differences in the house since the last time we were here. Sebastian, Bryan and Tyler went to find the lead contractor while Taylor and I went out past the dunes where the sand sloped down to meet the water. It was low tide so we found a spot that would be a safe enough distance even when it rose in a few hours.

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