Chapter 1 - Lea's POV

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"I reject you. I, Dylan of the Black Moon Pack reject you Lena of the Blue Rock Pack." his unwavering voice brought everything to a sudden stop.

I heard Carol say something but it sounded muted and distant.

"No it's already been done, she's put everyone's lives in danger because of a rogue that she deemed necessary to continue breathing. Now Lexi is hurt and it could have been you or anyone else in the pack."  his voice snapped me back to reality as I tried to understand what was actually happening.

Looking through Lena's eyes I could see Carol and Duke before we turned away and stumbled off into the trees away from them. Lena allowed me control and as I ran through the trees as fast as I could trying to get as far away from the person who caused us so much pain I felt Lena withdraw into herself.

After several hours of running I stopped for a break between two packs. We were far enough away from the borders that we would be ignored and passed off as a passing wolf. I found a large oak and curled up in it's roots. I ignored the presences of multiple people pushing against the wall I had put up around my mind, when I realized that they felt a dull version of the pain I was currently going through from the mental link we shared. I shook my head and buried my nose under my tail as Lena withdrew further into herself until almost I couldn't even sense her to deal with the pain and loss of our rejection.

We had a restless sleep and in the morning I reluctantly left the tree and continued aimlessly through the trees not heading in any given direction but I had to keep moving for fear of losing myself.

From a young age werewolves were taught that a mate was our perfect other half and we wouldn't be complete until the two parts found each other. Once the two meet nothing could break the bond except for two reasons, rejection or death. If either occurred the remaining half could lose control of themselves and their sanity and revert almost back to their wild wolffish nature and let their wolf take full control. If that didn't happen the wolf would slowly succumb to the grief and loss that they would take their own lives.

Right now I was trying everything in my power to prevent that. I knew there was happiness and people in her life who loved Lena for who she was, but I couldn't bring myself to go to them. I had other ideas on what I wanted to do with my life. I stopped and looked up to the dark, cloud filled sky and let loose a piercing howl that I knew the two nearby packs could clearly hear. In the howl I left a message that I knew would reach him and everyone else. I lowered my head and shook my fur out before turning and heading back the way I had come. With a clear plan of what I needed and what I felt was right to do, my mind felt suddenly clear and I felt in control. While I knew that the pain was far from over and that I had to deal with the obstacles of being looked at as a rogue now, I had a plan to help overcome that. In the back of my mind I knew that while Lena has people who she could count on I had no one, the closest thing I had just rejected me. I had to protect Lena and help her heal, only then would I ask her if she wanted to consider going back to Blue Rock.


I made this a short chapter to get the book started and introduce a storyline that could go in any direction.

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