Chapter 12 - Tyler's POV

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*This chapter mentions alcohol if there is any sensitivity to the subject

From what I heard from Sky everything was going as planned in Black Moon which was only a slight sigh of relief on my end but it still counted as something. I had thought that my siblings would get through their visit with Black Moon without any trouble until Sky mind linked me late in the evening on the same day they arrived there.

"We're leaving for Vermont in the morning. Sebastian found his mate and Dylan is pissed because of it." Sky had told me.

"Dylan has nothing against Sebastian except for being related to Lena and you being Lexi's mate, no offense. So why is he mad?" I responded as I turned off my computer.

"Sebastian's mate is Dylan's beta Bryan. He hated what Dylan did to Lena and didn't have a excuse for leaving the pack until we came back. I'll update you regularly until we get back home." he answered before shutting off the link.

That was almost two days ago and last they checked in was a few hours and they're arrival time at the Light Wolves was estimated to be late evening. I wasn't worried knowing that they would check in when they could.

"Where are you?" Sabrina asked.

"In the gym, just finishing up now. Why?"

"Dinners just about ready, and the Betas are coming over tonight." she answered.

"I'll be right there, just give my a few." I responded.

After a quick shower and a change of clothes I was walking back towards the big house 15 minutes later.

I walked into the house and could hear the sound of voices coming from the kitchen answering my assumptions on if my parents Betas arrived before I did.

"Tyler." my father's Beta, Tom stood up offering his hand.

I shook it before moving onto Sabrina standing by the stove.

"Remind me again why they're here?" I whispered kissing her temple.

She sighed, "They're here to discuss the Alpha position. They don't like the fact that while Lena is supposed to take the title, she's not here and they think that you should just take over the pack." she responded as she turned the stove top on low and put the lid on the pan. She bent over and opened the wine fridge set into the bottom cabinets. She pulled out a bottle of sweet pink and grabbed a corkscrew from the utensil drawer placing both on the island. "Any preferences Beta Tom?"

"I'll take a Bud if you have it." he responded.

"Sorry we only have Shark." she answered opening the fridge and pulling out two bottles of beer and handed one to me before passing the other to Tom.

He grumbled something about a bad taste in beer as he snapped off the lid and took a swig.

Sabrina turned back to the stove and stirred a few more times before leaving the lid off and turning the oven off.

She reached up to collect the plates in the cabinets above the stove but I stopped her. "Go sit, I'll get them." She sighed but grabbed two of the hot plates and moved towards the kitchen table.

Tom's mate Mandy grabbed one of the bottles of the wine and the bottle opener as Sabrina came back for the other bottle and to take the 6 plates back to the table. I pulled the bread out of the oven and set it on a bread plate with butter, a butter knife and a bread knife. I drained the noodles in the sink and dumped into the pot with the hamburger and meat sauce before turning the stove top off. I carried the pot over and placed it on a hot plate on the table before going back for the bread and my bottle of beer.

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