Chapter 21 - Lena's POV

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I didn't bother with the Eastern Packs except for one and the only pack I could trust at the moment; the Crescent Moon Pack. It wasn't far but I had to go south and then east through neutral territory to get closer to the pack house.

I went back for my backpack Spencer had stashed for me before heading out on my own. It was only a few hours but by the time I was approaching the border close to their pack house the sun was already sinking, yet another sign of approaching winter. I slowed down when I got about two miles from the pack border and approached at an angle so I wasn't coming straight on. I was expecting their scouts to find me even before now but after walking within half a mile of the river that made their border for almost 15 minutes I heard a howl go off up ahead. I figured they would come to me and headed inward before stopping a few feet from the riverbank and dropping the bag at my paws before sitting back on my haunches and waited for them.

The snapping of twigs and leaves snapped my attention to my left where three wolves were approaching. I stood up as they slowed down and immediately recognized one of them as they faced me, it was Adam. It took a few seconds before recognition flashed across his features and he turned to the other two wolves obviously communicating through the link because one ran off towards the center of the territory and Adam and the other wolf went behind two nearby trees and shifted.

"Come on over." Adam said motioning with his hand as an invitation for me to cross their border.

I picked the backpack back up in my jaws and hopped over the water before giving them both a nod and headed behind a tree to shift. When I walked back it took me a moment to realize that the other man with Adam was his oldest brother Bobby, he had changed so much since the last I saw them that I barely recognized him. I slung my bag over my shoulder and the three of us headed back towards their pack house.

"We were wondering when you were going to come back to visit. After we got your rogue profile from the Black Moon Pack we kept an eye out for you, but all we heard were scarce rumors about a silver wolf traveling up and down the east coast with a red companion. When we dug deeper they claimed that the description was wrong like that the wolf was a male or the coat markings were different. We had to stop eventually when we weren't able to get more leads and hoped you would find your way to an ally pack and from there were you belong; Blue Rock Pack." Adam told me as he and Bobby walked on either side of me.

"I was stuck in a bad place when Dylan rejected me and had to find that something that was worth coming back and now I have to do a few last things before I can go back home." I told them.

"You can stay with us for as long as you want. Rest up and make a solid plan before you leave again and we'll do everything we can to help if you'll let us." Bobby responded.

I nodded in agreement and we walked the rest of the way in silence. The sun had finally set by the time we got to the house where light spilled into the front lawn from the porch lights and front windows. Someone came down the front steps and even with the light and good eyesight I still couldn't quite make out who it was until the wind changed; it was Brad. He jogged forward and when he stopped in front of us there was a big grin on his face.

"Thought we'd seen the last of you, you legend." he said wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Legend? Pffft! I'm no legend so I'm not sure what rumors you've heard and from whom but I would recheck your sources." I answered removing his arm from my shoulders as we walked up the porch steps.

The house was quiet except for our footsteps as we walked towards the back of the house where the kitchen was. If a pack house was quiet it was because they were eating, sleeping or on a run. We walked into the brightly lit kitchen and sure enough we found the rest of the boys and Julie sitting at the kitchen table finishing up what looked like dinner.

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