Chapter 3 - Sam's POV

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After a week of rest following the battle at Black Moon and after Lena returned to Black Moon, we took up training again. Starting with small workouts and short training exercises every other day while we continued to heal.

We had gained a few more members since the fight and while they knew about what had happened we didn't share anything with them. They don't need to know the details about something they weren't a part of.

It had been two weeks since the fight and when we lost Zach to the rogues and Mike took the leadership role since he was Zach's second in command. The first couple days after Zach was gone was hard for all of us, harder still when Lena left. She was always different, not because she's the first and only female to join the Light Wolves but because she fit in. All of us came from different backgrounds some good and others not so much but Lena always managed to find a bright side to everything, even with all that she struggled with she made sure we were doing alright before she worked on her own problems.

We were in the middle of training one morning when everything seemed to stop. It wasn't any one of us until I remembered that she was still connected to us mentally. I reached out and was met with a wall around her mind keeping me and everyone else out. I looked to everyone else who had similar expressions of confusion on their faces.

"It's coming from Lena."

Our newer members didn't know her but for those that knew her you could see the worry on their faces.

"Wait, who's Lena?" Bruce, a recent addition asked while he returned the weights he was using and took up a bo staff for sparring.

"Lena joined us for a while after she escaped the abuse from her pack. She didn't stay here long though when several of her pack members came after her. She made contact with us when she found her mates pack, after that she would occasionally get in touch just to keep in contact. She's also the only female to join the Light Wolves." Mike answered.

"Why don't you take in females? Some are just as if not more stronger than us males." Terry asked.

"Plain and simple, they can be a distraction for some of us. Especially you younger wolves." Mike answered. "We can't take the risk, she had a mate and was in danger of being taken down, she's more important than you think."

"How's that? Thought she was just a regular she-wolf who figured out that the Light Wolves myth wasn't exactly a myth, just like the rest of us. How is she so special?" Baron asked.

"The only thing I'm willing to share with you is that she's an Alpha. I don't intend to be harsh but you haven't been with us long enough to know everything about someone you've never met." Mike responded.

We trained for a few more hours before we called it a day and headed back to the main house. We had recently added a few buildings to our property and as we were walking across several of us parted ways to their respected buildings.

Once back inside the air conditioning we took to our rooms to shower and take a breather.

"I want you to contact Lena's cousins and Duke for me. I have other things to take care of in the meantime and I'll get back to you for an update on what you've found out." Mike's voice sounded in my head.

"Alright." I responded before shutting off the link. I left my room and headed down to the basement where some of our offices were.

Most of the day had passed since Lena's mind was blocked off so I decided to contact the Black Moon Alpha first.

I called Duke and when the phone rang five times before going to voicemail I knew something was up as he rarely missed the phone. "Hey Duke it's Sam. I was calling to ask about Lena. Her mind was blocked off to everyone here and while it seems normal considering that she's still healing and has more important things to deal with about combining the two packs once Dylan takes Alpha role, but it just doesn't feel right and I wanted to check in so I could update Mike on the issue. If you could call me back when you get the chance it would be appreciated. Thanks." I hung up the phone after leaving the message and leaned back in my chair.

I sighed and leaned forward, I was dreading the next phone call I had to make but it was necessary.

I was hoping that he wouldn't answer either but it was short lived when the phone picked up on the second ring.

"You have impeccable timing, I was just about to call you." Tyler spoke. "There's a problem concerning Lena."

"That's what I was calling you for. We all lost contact with her earlier today and haven't heard anything. I've tried calling Duke and didn't get an answer." I told him.

"You're not going to. I've tried calling him a little while ago and no answer. I've also tried Dylan and Carol and no answer from them either."

The door to the basement opened and Austin, McKenzie, Leon, and Gregory came downstairs.

"What about Lexi and Sky aren't they still in Black Moon?" I asked.

"Not anymore, they arrived not that long ago with the answers concerning Lena. It's not good either." there was worry in his voice.

"Alright hold on let me get Mike and I'll put you on speaker."

Leon left the room and returned shortly with Mike behind him.

"Alright Tyler we're all here. What's the news that Lexi and Sky have?" I pressed the button for speaker and sat back in my chair.

"Well to start it's not good. I already know that you're aware of the losses we took. To start with you need to know the reason as to why why we lost contact with Lena. At some point during the fight Lena was targeted by a young rogue who didn't have a wolf yet. She let him live thinking that he didn't pose much of a threat, that was before he came back this morning after being threatened that if he didn't kill Lexi he would be the one to die." he started. "When Lena explained to Dylan why she let the kid go he rejected her right there. His mother Carol tried to bring some sense to him but his decision was settled. After that Lena disappeared into the trees and shortly after her link was blocked. We know she's still alive but we think she relinquished herself to her wolf. If that's the case she could be dangerous, her wolf could lash out from the pain of the rejection and the mate bond breaking. For now it's better to leave her where she is but remain on a lookout, her wolf may find her way to anyone she thinks is safe enough for her to be near."

When Tyler finished Mike let out a sigh. "We know she's definitely not going back to Black Moon, but is there a chance, even a small one, that she could go back to her original pack or that she could come here?"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, "There is but she has other alliances with at least two other packs. I'm not sure which but I'll make some phone calls and get back to you. There is one more thing though, we have two worst case scenarios with her. One that she succumbs to her wolf fully from where there's an extremely small chance of bringing her back from or she could let the grief take over and she'll eventually die from the pain following the rejection. She's strong and I honestly thinks she'll pull through but she won't be the same again."

"Thank you Tyler. We'll keep in touch if we find or hear anything more." Mike responded.

"We'll do the same."

I ended the call after that.

"Well shit." McKenzie broke the silence first.

"That's an understatement. Mike what do you need us to do?" a voice spoke up.

We turned and saw Trevor and Charlie in the doorway.

"Set up a border and do hourly perimeter checks. I don't care if we have to set up trail cams if we have to, we need to find her and make sure she's safe. If it comes to it we might have to catch her based on her wolfs behavior." Mike started getting up and heading out of the door.

"What are you planning until then?" Leon asked pulling my map of the territory off the book case.

"I'm going to refrain from committing murder." Mike answered.

The rest of us shared worried glances. It's been years since we've last seen him like this and we thought he would turn back to the bottle then but now it's different and we have no idea what he could do.

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