Chapter 31

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Sam's POV

Tyler, Sebastian and Sky had shown up this morning to check in but didn't stay long and when they left to their own duties the room felt massive with just myself and Lena. After fighting with myself for almost an hour I lowered the side rail of the bed and got in next to her, being careful of the remaining medical equipment she was still hooked up to. I carefully wrapped an arm over her middle and gently pulled her against me before burying my nose in the crook of her neck.

There was no reaction from her and my wolf Ace whimpered in my head, "I can't sense her wolf. Why can't I sense Lea?"

"I don't know Ace but we'll get her back." I paused, moving my hand up to her face and rubbed her cheek with my thumb. "Please Lena, please come back. We... I need you to come back." I kept whispering that I needed her while Ace whimpered and paced in my head trying to reach Lea but to no avail. I was just thinking about getting up to force myself to eat something when she moved.

Lena's POV

Everything hurt. That was the first thing I knew when I regained consciousness. The next things I noticed were the tingles on my cheek and the scent of pine and fresh rain accompanied by pressure and heat on my right side. I turned into the warmth and immediately tensed as a wave of pain ran across my ribs and back.

"Don't move Lena. You're ok, I got you and you're safe now." The voice sounded far away and the pressure shifted away but the scent stayed. I tried to open my eyes but they felt stuck and when I tried to lift my other arm to wipe them clear I felt a resistance. "Lena please don't do that. Please just stay still." That voice again but it sounded clearer and more pleading than last time. I continued to struggle against my eyelids until they finally cracked open letting in dim light that was blurry at the corners of my vision. I managed to blink a few more times until it cleared and turned my head in the direction the voice had come from and found Sam propped up next to me running his thumb along my cheek. I had a moment of confusion before the memories all came back at once and I let out a chocked sob as everything flooded back. I tried to reach out to Lea but was met with silence and what felt like emptiness in my own head. I leaned into Sam for comfort, "She's gone, Lea's gone." I choked out as he wiped my tears away and pressed his lips to the top of my head.

He held me until my sobs became hiccups and he left my side reassuring he'd be right back. He did, bringing with him a cup of water with a straw and as he assisted in helping me sit up to drink I winced as that flare of pain radiated across my back. He drew back to look at me completely, "What hurts?" he asked.

"Everything." I whispered as I sipped on the water.

"Is there anything I can do?" He was back at my side rubbing his knuckles up and down my arm.

I thought for moment before turning to him, "I want to go home."

He paused, "You are home; we're in Blue Rock and you're safe."

I shook my head but immediately regretted it as the room spun. I closed my eyes and felt Sam take the glass from me before running his hand up and down my back softly. "What is it?"

"Dizzy." Was all I could manage until I could feel the room stop spinning. I raised my head up to face him and found nothing but concern in his face.

"Why did you shake your head? Your family is here."

"No they're not, if they truly cared they would be here alongside you in this room but they aren't. That doesn't make this place home." I paused and went to reach for the water. He handed it to me and waited until I had rested the glass in my lap.

"What's home to you?" He asked.

I was about to respond when the door opened and Terry came in and stopped short when he saw me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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