Chapter 7 - Lexi's POV

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The bed shifting underneath me brought me out of my dream. I grumbled and peered out from the covers at the clock on my nightstand.


I rolled over onto my back and stared at the ceiling for a few moments before sitting up. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and stretched, swinging my legs out of bed. I headed to the closet and grabbed a pair of leggings and t-shirt before heading to the bathroom to change and do my morning routine.

I had just finished brushing my teeth when a knock came at the door.

"I'll be right out."

"It's going be a little cold as we head into the mountains, do you want something for the car?" Sky asked poking his head into the bathroom.

"I think I'll be ok with a hoodie." I responded walking back out of the bathroom.

He nodded and walked back towards the closet.

"Can I use one of yours?" I asked him as I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket.

He came back with one of his hoodies and grabbed a pillow from the bed. He took his phone from the side table and stuck it in his pocket before taking my hand and leading me out of the room and downstairs.

Very few lights were on as we walked into the kitchen. Charley was walking through the back door as Sky was heading out with our stuff.

I took two of the muffins that had been bought yesterday and handed one to Charley who was leaning against the counter. As I peeled the wrapper off my muffin Tyler and Sebastian came downstairs and Sky walked back through the door.

"I just wanted to see you guys off. Don't do anything that can come back and bite you in the ass, I'll see you all next week. And Lexi, don't beat up your brother too bad."

"I hold no promises." I responded continuing to eat my muffin.

He shook his head and chuckled before he turned and headed back upstairs, turning lights off as he did.

"I guess that was the cue for us to get out of here." Charley spoke up and held his hand out for my muffin wrapper so he could throw it away.

Sebastian was the last out of the house turning the light off before closing the door. As he walked around the truck he was in with Charley I adjusted my seat back and put the pillow against the window.

Sky put the truck in gear as Charley pulled away in front of us. We followed them as we made our way to the dirt road leading to the main paved road. From there Sky drove behind Charley towards the highway that would lead us southwest back towards my home pack. I was asleep before we even got on the on ramp but the last thing I remembered before letting the darkness consume me was Sky's hand taking mine and giving a gentle squeeze.


The sun streaming through the car window woke me up a few hours later.

"Ugh what time is it?" I asked moving the seat back up into a sitting position.

"About 7:30. We're going to be stopping for gas and breakfast in the next hour." Sky responded. "You're phone went off a few times but I didn't want to wake you."

I nodded as I took the phone from the cup holder it was sitting in and turned it on. I had a few texts and two voicemails, as I opened up my messages I saw I had one from both my parents and two texts and a voicemail from my brother. The other voicemail was from an unknown number.

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