Chapter 30 - Spencer's POV

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The words felt weird saying aloud but every bit of them were true; Lena was my little sister.

Sam stared at me as I watched him process the information. "Explain." Was all he said as he leaned back in his chair rubbing the back of Lena's hand with his thumb.

I sighed before starting where I remembered.

"I was eight when Lena was born and I remember being so excited to have a little sister that I helped our father paint and set up her room and begged to have my room moved so she could be between us. As she got older I was there with her through every step of her life until a rumor started to spread about Richard wanting more power. We thought he would go after a smaller pack but never after his own brothers. Our parents had planned to separate the offspring of everyone that played a major role in the pack. As the oldest I was next in line to become Alpha as was the children of the Beta and the heads of our guard so we were the top priority. When they sent me to the Gulf Pack our parents ensured me that they were sending her to a pack in the west to be with a Beta family. I guess Richard attacked before they got the chance because I didn't hear from either of them for months until word finally spread that Richard had taken over and the daughter of the old Alpha's had gone missing. I always kept an ear out for any news coming from Blue Rock but nothing about Lena until the young Black Moon Alpha announced who his mate was and I felt relieve that she had finally found who she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with. I had already left the Gulf to make an attempt at rejoining my sister when the reports of Richard's death and my cousins taking the Alpha position reached me and then I heard about the Black Moon Luna going rogue and the crimes against her and so I waited around the territory hoping to find her and I did. I knew the moment I saw her wolf who she was, she looks just like our Mom but she has Dads mask around her eyes and muzzle."

I stopped to catch my breath and saw Sam out of the corner looking at Lena. "You have similar facial features. Same nose, same eye shape and even with your muscular frame you both are evenly set; so much so you could almost be twins except the age difference." He looked back to me. "How hard was it?"

"What?" I responded slightly confused.

"How hard was it to keep from telling her who you really are?" He corrected.

"I wanted to tell her the moment I found her but I was terrified of what she would think of me; I still am. I don't know when, how or even if I'll ever be able to tell her the truth." I answered.

"She might already have a suspicion that the two of you have a connection. She doesn't trust easily but the fact that she not only traveled with you all these months but she also shared her history with you just goes to show that she might know more than you're aware of." He said before falling back into silence.

The door opened again and Terry walked back in with Tyler and the rest of my cousins. Even though I had only met them a handful of times when we were kids I still recognized them all these years later, but they were too young to have remembered me when they stopped visiting and then when I left I no longer remained contact with them. They seated themselves amongst the furniture in the room and seemed to wait for someone to speak up first. No one did.

A nurse entered the room shortly after and I stepped back against the wall to give her room to work. She drew some blood and doubled checked her vitals. "She seems to be out of the woods now but we'll still hold her until she wakes up. Talk to her, let her know that you're here; I'd honestly even try to reach her through the link. Her wolf is still dormant but anything could help." She took one last notice of the IV drip and left the room closing the door behind her.

The door had barely shut when it opened again and I was hit with the scent of strawberries and I saw a head of curly hair before I forced myself to duck out behind her. I got halfway down the hall when my name was called and I stopped but didn't turn around as I waited for her to catch up. She was a few feet away when I continued down the hall and past the elevators to the stairs taking them two at a time until I reached the lobby and left through the front doors. The hospital was set away from the main house in a small clearing of its own with easy access to the front and back for emergencies.

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