Chapter 5 - Dylan's POV

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*Language Warning

That first day was horrible. Shortly after I rejected her I realized my mistake and wanted to take it back. Alex shut me out and ignored me; so did the rest of the pack. My parents were disappointed in my reaction and decided to leave the pack for the day and take a break leaving my dad's Beta in charge.

I was in my office when I remembered my dad had placed me in charge of several pack orders including updating any information concerning rogues.

I groaned leaning forward in my chair as I turned my computer on and opened a new file. After uploading a picture of her and typing up her information including age, height, hair and eye color and her approximate weight.

I had to take a breathe before continuing. As I was typing up the remaining few pages of information before I printed it out and placing it in a file folder with her name on it, Alex was growling through the link the entire time. I lied several times on her file, from the reason as to why she left and what she did to the pack leading up to it was mostly lies. I wanted to cover my bases so I would still have the respect as an Alpha. I knew it was a selfish and an extremely low thing for me to do but I felt it was necessary.

I made several copies and after putting addresses on them I sent them out. The East Coast packs and the Mid-American packs as well as the Light Wolves would each have a copy. The West Coast packs didn't get one unless it was absolutely necessary.

I sat back after closing the filing cabinet and looked out my office door just in time to see Bryan walk by. He paused and looked at me over his shoulder.

"You know you're an ass right?" he said.

I shrugged "There always has to be one." I responded.

He hesitated, "You knew her entire backstory and the life she had before she came here. You were her savior and she trusted you to keep her away from all that. You threw all that away because you didn't want her to tarnish your name or this pack but you did that all on your own. I hope you're pleased with yourself."

I was quiet for a moment and just as he turned away I spoke up again, "Do you still here it?"

"Not since that first night it started." he answered.

"I still here it. It's like it's haunting me." I turned back to my computer.

"Good. Maybe it's Lena haunting you for the decision that you poorly made." he turned away and continued down the hall.

Fuck. He was right after all. I reacted prematurely and now I'm dealing with the consequences. No one talks to me and everyone hates me but I guess I earned it. I leaned back in my chair and put my feet up on the desk next to the keyboard, I looked out my office window and just watched the pack go about their day.

"Glad to see you're back to normal again." my father's voice broke through the silence.

"There's no need for the sarcasm." I told him still looking out the window.

"The situation would be different if you hadn't let go of Lena." he responded harshly.

"Don't. Don't say her name. She's not here anymore and she's not coming back. Further more, she's blocked everyone out and is growing more and more distant in my head everyday." I finally turned to him.

"You have only yourself to blame for that." he responded walking out and leaving me alone again.

He was right, I knew that much. I had to live with my choice for the rest of my life. Eventually her presence would disappear from my head and the link would be severed. It would take weeks possibly longer for that to happen and the whole time I would feel her pain as it did. Until that happened I had to continue on as the next Alpha when my father deemed it necessary for him to step down.

The rest of the day was relatively uneventful until later that evening when I went to bed. Just like clockwork at a quarter past midnight the howling started. I couldn't tell where it was coming from or who it was but something told me that it had to be her. The howling started a few days after the rejection and has been happening for the last three nights. Most of the pack heard that first night as it echoed off the mountain, but now it seems like I'm the only one that still is.

The howls last for about a half hour before dying off until the following evening. It was another restless night for me as I struggled to fall asleep.

The next morning was the regular, get breakfast and a cup of coffee before returning back to my office to take care of anything I needed to do. There was very little to do so when I had finished I had the rest of the day off. It didn't take long for a change in plans for the day.

"You're needed in my office immediately. You have company." My fathers voice broke through my thoughts.

"I'll be right down." I responded.

I made my way down the hall towards the stairs and noticed that Bryan's office was empty. Must be a coincidence that he was gone. After reaching the second floor I made my way to the other side of the house where my dads office was. I was walking past the sitting room where my mother was sitting and reading a book, she ignored me as I walked past the room. I couldn't hear anything until I was standing just outside the door and when I knocked the voices fell silent.


I opened the door and was slightly surprised to find more people than I thought there was going to be. My dad sat at his desk with his Beta standing at his side. Sebastian and Sky were also there and so was my sister, though she didn't look up from her spot next to Sky. Bryan stood in the corner with his arms crossed, but what was really surprising was that Sam was there.

"Close the door. We need to talk."

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