Chapter 8 - Sebastian's POV

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*Language warning

Shortly after Lexi had left the office and a surprised Dylan looking after her, Alpha Duke informed that we would be leaving the following morning to have a similar meeting with the Light Wolves. He dismissed us and said that if we needed anything that we only had to ask.

Sam, Bryan, Charley and my brother and I left the office leaving Alpha Duke and Dylan behind.

"I'll see you later, I'm going to go after Lexi. She may not have said it but she needs the company." Sky spoke up as we made our way down the hall.

"Let her know we're here for her as well." Charley responded. "I'll be in my room if you need me. I have to update Tyler on what happened."

"I should probably do the same. Mike should know what's going on before we get there so he's not surprised." Sam agreed and they left Bryan and myself standing in the hallway as they headed back towards the guest rooms.

I turned and walked back towards the kitchens. Even though dinner was in a few hours, I hadn't eaten much during our drive here. Bryan tagged along as I assumed he had nothing else to do.

The kitchen staff were already busy preparing for dinner when we got there, another figure one I could sense of high ranking was also there.

"Hey Carol. How are you doing today?" Bryan spoke up sitting on one of the bar stools.

She looked up from the book she was studying and smiled. "I'm doing just fine Bryan thank you, and you must be Sebastian. Lena talked about you and your brother while you were still recovering in the pack hospital." She smiled and came around the counter before hugging me.

"Now what can I do for you boys? I'm going to assume Duke and Dylan are still up in the office talking."

Bryan nodded, "Yes they are. Also, Sam and Charley are catching Mike and Tyler up on the meeting and Sky went after Lexi when she left."

"Oh yes, Sky filled me in on his way out the back. Lexi stormed out so fast I couldn't even get a word out to her. I just want to know what actually happened."

We told her what Sky didn't as she made a few ham and cheese sandwiches and pulled out a can of coke for each of us.

"I'm not that surprised she did that, I'm still mad at him for his decision to be honest. Dylan still hasn't realized how much damage he actually did when he turned Lena away and while the pack still respects him as their future Alpha, most have lost trust in him." she responded.

"Come on outside away from anyone who might eavesdrop. I need to talk to you two." she took her plate and her can of soda and lead us outside to one of the patio sets.

After we had taken our seats Alpha Carol got straight to the point.

"I know about what you two are." she spoke eyeing both Bryan and I as we sat across from each other.

Neither of us spoke for a moment and instead decided to turn to the sandwiches that she had made.

She sighed and placed her half eaten sandwich back on her plate. "How long have you two known?"

"I've known since he was at the pack hospital. It was dulled, most likely due to his injuries but my wolf told me enough." Bryan spoke from his chair.

Alpha Carol nodded, "What about you, how long have you known?" she turned to me.

"My wolf told me in the hospital too, but with the pain and the amount of drugs that I was on I couldn't make much sense of it. I couldn't hear or see anything so I thought it was one of the nurses until today, I realized who it was when we pulled up and my wolf went crazy again." I didn't look at either one of them and instead looked at my hands in my lap.

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