Chapter 11 - Spencer's POV

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When my wolf Cole and I first stumbled onto Lena we thought it was another lone wolf until we caught her scent, only then did we realize who she really was.

"Is that really her? Did we seriously just stumble upon your-?"

I cut him off, "Yes we did. The only reason I'm worried about is why she's here and not with her mate."

We figured that the only way we could find out would be to stay with her. So we did. We followed her as she traveled up the steep slope that sat on the very edge of Blue Rock and came to a stop when it flattened out.

For the next week she would howl at the night sky until she stopped and went off behind the nearby boulder. When she came back she seemed in a better mood than usual.

"What has you in a good mood tonight?" I asked her as she sat back next to me.

"Just the fact that I know how to help most packs and get back at Dylan at the same time." she responded.

I stiffened when she spoke his name. I knew Dylan but didn't know that they were mates and that he was the one that rejected her.

"That worthless, spineless piece of shit. I'll kill him for hurting our-" Cole started.

"Enough. You'll get your chance as much as I'll get mine. For now we have to make sure she stays safe and aid her at any means necessary. In time we'll tell her who we are." I shushed him but still he paced anxiously in my head.

That was several days ago and now we were pouring over one of the maps I have stashed across the east coast. I was telling her what everything meant and finalizing our plan when the snapping of twigs caught our attention.

"Y'now you should be more aware of your surroundings right?" the newcomer announced as he came to a stop a few yards away.

Lea tensed next to me as she looked up at our guest, a low growl rumbled from her chest.

"Hey now, there's no need for that lil miss."

I folded the map and put it back in the backpack before standing. "She wouldn't need to if you just introduced yourself like a normal person Gibbs."

"Well I'm slightly offended you didn't tell her about me, I thought I was your best friend." he pouted stuffing his hands into his pockets.

I chuckled, "You are, I just didn't know we would run into you this soon. This is Lea, she's also from Blue Rock."

"Nice to meet you Lea. I'm Thomas but you can call me Gibbs." he held his hand out and when she took it he pulled her up to her feet.

"Why Gibbs?" she asked. "I mean is it like a last name or a nickname your mom used?"

"A bit of both actually. My mom and I hated my father, I hated him more because he named me after him. So I preferred to be called by my middle name, my mother agreed and after she left him she made it official. She stayed with the pack but I like to live on my own every now and then." he answered.

"At least you got a happy ending." she responded. "It's getting tiring holding this form, I've got to shift back." she walked a distance away behind a clump of pines.

"What did she mean by that?" Gibbs asked as he watched her walk away.

"Her mate rejected her and her human side blocked herself away from everyone. Lea is her wolfs name and she can shift into her human form but not for very long, neither of us know when Lena will let her mental walls down again. She's gone through a lot in her life from what I know." I answered.

She returned shortly and sat in front of us waiting expectantly.

"I recognize that look Spencer, what do you have planned?" Gibbs asked eying the two of us expectantly.

I sighed looking to Lea for confirmation. She nodded her head in an agreement to share our plan.

For the next twenty minutes I shared the plan that Lea had originally came up with as Gibbs sat and waited for me to finish.

"I can help if you need it, but I'm not coming with you. I'll stay here and gather any folks that want a better life and when you return every month they'll be waiting for you around this area. I'll do this area around The Gulf and Blue Rock considering the history you have with both packs, but you'll have to deal on your own once you guys head back north."

"Thanks man, it means a lot. Besides, in the long run we're helping the East Coast packs with their rogue issues so hopefully we don't cause any bad blood with them." I stated looking over the map again after I had drawn several travel routes for our plan.

"You might not from The Gulf and Blue Rock but I don't know about Black Moon and the northern packs, they run things differently up there." he responded.

Lea shook her head and pointed her nose at the outlines territory of Black Moon and made a shrugging motion.

"Oh crap I forgot." I said looking at her.

"Forget what?" Gibbs asked worry coming into his tone.

"Her mate-, well ex-mate is part of Black Moon. So I'm assuming judging by her response to your statement that Black Moon is the only pack we'll have any problems with." I looked at her for confirmation and she nodded her head again.

"What about Autumn Moon and Crescent Moon packs?" Gibbs asked.

Again she shook her head.

"One last thing, how do you plan on getting past Crescent Moon they cover from the border in Canada all the way to the coast line?" he asked.

"They did that on purpose to protect their weaker sister pack in the north. They have a designated route through their territory for any passerby going through a heavily human populated area. They'll let us pass by as long as we have a good enough alibi and they know we have no ill intentions towards their pack. The route is closer to the coast line away from their pack house but it is still heavily monitored with border patrol working for law enforcement to monitor the activity passing through."

Gibbs nodded content with my answer. "You guys can stay here for the next few days while I make my rounds to the nearby camps. I don't want you getting close to The Gulf what with your past with them." he spoke standing up and stretching. "I'll be back in two days with anyone I managed to wrangle up. Stay safe you two." he gave a slight wave as he walked off back through the trees.

I sighed as I refolded the map and placed it once again back in the backpack. "He makes me want to "wrangle" his southern neck sometimes." I grumbled giving a poor imitation of his southern accent.

Lea chuffed in response.

"Honestly though he's a good guy and a great friend. Backed me up a few times back when I was part of the Gulf, he was the one who told me about the lone wolves." I informed her.

It was quiet after that and I started making camp. I was clearing a spot for the fire when Lea got up and left heading further into the woods. I assumed that she was going to shift back or do a quick patrol of the surrounding area until she came back half an hour later holding four squirrels by their tails in her mouth. She dropped them by the growing fire and went a few feet away before plopping herself down with a huff. I placed two of the squirrels over the fire and wrapped the other two in leaves and put them in another pocket of the backpack.

When they were done I tossed one to Lea and took the other one and we ate in silence. Afterwards I doused the flames and we settled down for the night. I glanced at Lea for a moment and noticed that she had positioned herself so that she was watching further into the trees behind me but at the same time was laying so that if anyone tried to come up behind her they would have to step over her back legs.

She noticed me watching her and rolled her eyes before bringing her attention back to the trees.

That was the last thing I saw before sleep took over.

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