Chapter 23 - Lena's POV

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When my family gave chase it was the least of my worries knowing they wouldn't follow far past the pack border. No, my main worry was how I was going to get past Black Moon before I could head west.

I continued at a brisk lope once my cousins fell back for a few miles before stopping for a drink and a breather. I walked in the stream for several places clearing my trail before picking up my pace again and turned south.

"So let's say hypothetically we get involved with Black Moon? What do we do?" Lea asked breaking the silence.

"We run. It's worked before we'll have to hope it works again." Was my simple response. I didn't mean to shove her aside but her question did set me the wrong way.

We continued for several more miles before the last thing I wanted to happen happened; a howl from a Black Moon patrol.

"Now's the time to put your plan into action." Lea piped up.

"And now's not the time for you to be snarky." I responded.

I broke into a run in the hopes of getting ahead of them while I still could and while it worked for the wolf behind me I wasn't so lucky for the six that appeared alongside and into the path ahead of me. I barreled into one of them knocking him off his paws before jumping up and facing the group, I knew I was outnumbered and it wasn't worth running anymore so I figured I'd stay and cause as much damage as possible. Two more joined and together they surrounded me before physically pushing me towards their pack border.

After about 20 minutes of making it barely half a mile, one left and returned having shifted and carrying something in his hands. Only when he stopped in front of me did I realize what he was holding; a muzzle. He wore gloves and while two of the wolves pinned me down he jammed it on my head and when it touched me it felt like my skin was on fire only confirming that it was made of silver. There were two straps one on each side of where it connected behind my ears that two wolves each took in their mouths before our procession continued forward. The constant pain was enough motivation for me to move in the only hope that it would be removed once they threw me in the cell that I knew had my name on it.

The thinning of the trees was enough to tell me we had arrived at our destination and when we broke through them there was a small gathering waiting for us. At the head of the gathering the jerk himself standing with his new mate and next to him was his new Beta. His parents stood behind them and both of them looked mildly surprised to see me before sharing similar expressions of sympathy.

Our group stopped just a few short feet of them and actually let go of my muzzle.

"Never thought I'd have you back in Black Moon so soon after what you did." Dylan walked forward, his mate in his shadow.

My eyes snapped to her and I let out a low growl in my throat.

"Oh my apologies. I forgot to introduce you two. Lena this is Audrey and Audrey this is Lena, the mate I rejected for putting my pack in danger." She fully stepped out from behind him and looked me up and down. There was something deep in her eyes that read sympathy but her body language and facial expressions told everyone that she was better than me.

"This bitch." I heard Lea faintly grumble through our silver weakened haze but I let the growl in my throat grow into something similar to a roar and took a single step forward.

The reactions were immediate as I was pinned beneath several wolves but I caught the glimpse of Audrey retreating a few steps back out of fear of which it be from actual fear or just a show but nevertheless it made me a little happy.

After dragging me through a metal door and down a set of concrete stairs I was led through a dimly lit tunnel that curved every now and then before we turned a sharp corner and through another set of metal doors before walking me past two cells and actually throwing me in my own cell once they took off my muzzle. I stretched out in the middle of the cold floor and faced the door, if they were going to keep me here I may as well enjoy the cool surface of the concrete and wait. I had no idea what they were planning but I'd find out eventually.

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