Chapter 6 - Sky's POV

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*Language Warning

The day after we lost mental contact with Lena, the phone rang.

"It's Duke, I wanted to apologize for the lack of communication on our end. We had to sort out some...differences here. If you wouldn't mind coming by within the next few days to talk and get things straightened out it might help. I've also asked if Mike could spare someone to come down too."

Tyler sighed before responding, "Yeah, some of us will come over in a few days. Let us know about a definite date when you have one, that would be great."

Sebastian and I sat across from Tyler as he finished the phone call and hung up.

"Duke wants us to come by and have a...conversation. He's going to call Mike and see if he could spare someone to come down as well." Tyler finally spoke after a moment of silence.

"I want to come." a new voice came from the doorway. It was Lexi.

"No Lexi. That's your brother, we have no idea how your pack reacted to you leaving without notice. Besides this is most likely about your brother and with Sebastian and Sky going along with a possible Light Wolf we have no idea what this could turn into." Tyler interjected before I could answer.

"I don't care. Yeah sure he's my brother but only genetically. I have words I need to say to him and I want, no need to be there to say it to him." Lexi responded. She walked into the room and came to stand next to me.

"Lexi I'm not-"

"I don't care if you're the stand in Alpha until we find someway to bring Lena back but Lexi is my mate. She has a reason for going and I think she deserves to go, both to deal with her brother and to give a proper farewell to her parents and her pack." I took her hand in reassurance and squeezed it lightly.

"Fine, but if anything happens it's your responsibility." he answered. "I'll let you know when this shindig is going down until then I have some things I need to handle first."

We left him there and closed the door behind us.

"I'm going on a run, I need to get out of this house and get some air." Sebastian walked past and towards the back door.

"Don't stay out too late, there's still rogue's out there that followed under that rogue "Alpha"". I knew he didn't hear me but it was still worth a shot.

"I know you worry about him but he'll be alright. We'll get her back and help her heal, she'll be better once she has her family around her again." Lexi squeezed my hand and looked up at me.

I nodded in response. "You're right. It's not just him I'm worried though, I'm worried about the whole damn pack, everyone's on edge with Lena being gone and everything happening recently. I'm worried about rival packs sensing our weakness..." I stopped.

She leaned into my side in reassurance. While we had grown closer since realizing we were fated mates, we were still getting to know each other. The later in life a werewolf finds their mate the longer it takes for the bond to grow as fast as when they are younger. We both agreed that there were more important issues that needed to be handled before we wanted to complete the mate bond.

"C'mon, let's go on a run. Our wolves haven't met yet and I think it'll be good for the both of us." I suggested hoping she would agree.

She nodded, "I think that's a great idea." She took my hand and led me through the house and out the kitchen door. It was a short walk to the tree line where we parted ways to shift behind a tree.

The last time my wolf Xavier and I had seen Lexi's wolf was the battle of Black Moon, but there wasn't any time for a proper introduction. Now that she was fully healed and we had a moment to catch a breathe before we had to go to Black Moon, our wolves could meet and the bond could grow stronger.

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