Chapter 24 - Dylan's POV

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Coming face to face with Lena again had me divided. Personally I wanted to have her publicly whipped and humiliated before depriving her of food and sunlight while I decided what to do with her. My wolf Alex on the other hand was ecstatic, fighting against me to get to her even though the connection was one sided after I rejected her. The look on her face was the only thing that made him pause when we got closer.

"She's looking at us like we're the last person she wants to see." He whined in my head.

"It's because we are, now shut it." I blocked him out and refocused on Lena.

"Never thought I'd have you back in Black Moon so soon after what you did." I walked forward with Audrey at my side.

Her eyes went straight to her and I could hear a low rumble in her chest.

"Oh my apologies. I forgot to introduce you two. Lena this is Audrey and Audrey this is Lena, the mate I rejected for putting my pack in danger." I told her.

Audrey fully stepped away from me and looked her up and down. Something happened between them and Lena let out a god awful roar and took a threatening step forward. The wolves closest to her pinned her down and Audrey retreated back to my side shaking slightly. I watched as they dragged her to the entrance to a new set of cells that we recently had built. Once the metal door slammed shut behind them I led Audrey back to the truck we used to drive over here and after helping her in I got in the drivers seat and drove the couple hours back home.

Once we got back at the house I headed up to my office to make sure my plan was working. Sure enough as I opened my email I had several from a few different packs all asking and wondering the same thing, "Do you know anything about our missing pack member?" I sent them all similar response that I hadn't but I would let my patrol know to keep an eye out for them. I did a double check to make sure I didn't miss any before shutting the computer off.

Audrey was leaning against the doorframe when I stood up to leave.

"When are you going to tell them?" She asked wrapping her arms around me in a hug.

"When the time is right, for now we have to make our rounds and let the right wolves know that our guests are to be left alone." I kissed the top of her head before we headed downstairs.

We met with my Beta and wolves in charge of creating the patrol patterns to keep them in the loop of what was going on. Everyone beside my Beta Lucien and Audrey were told the basics, they were from other packs and were found too close to our territory so we were keeping them for questioning on why. Lucien was in complete agreement with what I was planning and Audrey wasn't told all the details but enough to piece together everything else. After the meeting Audrey headed to her library upstairs and I went for a quick run to check on a few patrol members about any new arrivals.

"We have two new arrivals coming tomorrow evening and the remaining three by the end of the week. You're problem child in proving difficult as you said it would but we managed to get him and an added bonus. They'll be arriving separately but only by a day or two by early next week." Lucien notified me. After giving him my thanks I'd figure I'd pass it along to my heads of patrol when I got back.

After finishing my rounds I headed back to the main house and was greeted by Lucien.

"Dinner is about to be served but I wanted to warn you that your father has gotten a whiff of what you've been up to. He's not happy and wants to talk to you in private after dinner." He said as we walked through the halls.

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