Chapter 25 - Mike's POV

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Tyler had called about a week ago after they had made another attempt to get Lena back after she had ran past their border on her way south. He said that she was solo which they were concerned about but I was able to clear that up with what Spencer had told me once she had left us after bringing a final group of rogues up north. With that cleared up he said that someone on his end would let us know if she came back or if she was spotted by another pack and he asked if we could do the same in return to which I agreed.

In the last few days I had reached out to the southern packs and several western packs asking them to reach out if they've seen a wolf matching her description but not giving anything else not even her name. So far nothing had come back but we were holding out hope she would turn up somewhere, she had her pack and us here in Vermont to return to.

At the time I had sent out four of the guys with a small group of the rogues that the St. Louis and the Lone Star packs had accepted into their ranks and we had another group setting out in a few days. A vast majority of the wolves that Lena and Spencer had brought decided that they wanted to stay and make a new home here and if the opportunity arose they would leave. We accepted them into our originally small family and set them up in the new houses and trained those who wanted but everyone took our promise to keep us a secret from everyone.

It was now over a month since we had last heard anything about Lena but just like the last time we weren't going to give her up but we were stretched thin and had to put the search for her in the care for her cousins. We were currently facing a major dilemma concerning multiple packs across the country and I had sent out almost everyone except for a handful to solve the situation. Many of the packs across the eastern and mid western part of the U.S. were missing a high ranking member and even a few far west coast packs had also reported a missing pack member. The confusing thing was that it was only one wolf missing from the concerning packs and not multiple like we would normally see so I was overlooking our map trying to connect the dots and had reached out to each Alpha to request any information on the missing wolf. Their information lead nowhere as none of the wolves were born into their respective packs but were taken in when they were young which then lead to their original pack not being named.

I groaned in semi defeat, I had to call all the listed packs and ask for the name of the original pack for the mentioned wolf and hope they had it filed somewhere. I sat down and ran my hands through my hair in frustration. Leon walked in and eyed the stack of manila envelopes before sitting down in one of the chairs across from me.

"You know you just need to ask and I'll help you in any way that I can." he said leaning back.

"Yeah, I'll have you divide this up between Sam, Spencer and yourself so you'll each have a few packs to call. I have more research to try and figure out but I have a pretty good hunch as to what my answers are. Here's everything we have on them." I passed over the stack of files to him.

He stood and took them from the desk. "We'll get right to it and provide updates when we have them." He then left closing the door behind him.

Once I didn't hear his receding footsteps I opened one of my desk drawers and pulled out the two files plus another I had recently started. Opening them up side by side I went back to studying them again hoping to make some connection. I knew Sam and Lena were connected but now that Spencer was here I came to the conclusion that he was also involved as Lena didn't just trust anyone. But with no knowledge of Spencer's background and Sam's unwillingness to share what he knows these few pieces of paper were turning into a migraine so I turned back to my laptop and figured I'd send a message to the only person in Spencer's past that he shared; the Alpha of the Gulf Pack.

It took a couple tries but I finally got him on the phone and he was surprised to know that I knew of Spencer but then immediately requested that we send him back down to the Gulf. I informed him that it was his own decision to stay or go but I'd pass on the request. I asked him if Spencer had been born in the Gulf or if he came from a different pack and his answer was surprising; the Blue Rock. After a brief moment to catch my thoughts I asked him the reason Spencer had been brought to the Gulf instead of staying with the Blue Rock but for that he didn't have an answer. I thanked him for the answers and hung up before putting his file away.

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