Chapter 14 - Lea's POV

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As promised Gibbs had come back two days after he left with 14 others following him. The group consisted of mainly adults with a few older teenagers, one having just just shifted for the first time the week prior. There were also two small children.

We were now three days into our trek and currently passing between Blue Rock and Black Moon. We stayed relatively separated but always withinin earshot of the others so both packs wouldn't be aware of our group passing by. After the first day it was decided that the adults would take turns carrying the children on their back so we wouldn't be slowed down. We walked in silence stopping only for water and to rest our feet before getting up and continuing our journey.


We had just stopped for a break around lunch on our fourth day of walking when someone came running up to us, I recognized him as someone we were taking north.

"Patrols spotted our group. They didn't do anything but one of them ran off further into the territory probably to meet the Alpha or Beta." he said catching his breath.

Spencer stood up, "Which pack was it?"

"I don't know the name but it's the one east of us." he responded.

Spencer nodded and thought for a second. "Alright get everyone else here and we'll travel together until we get past both the packs. If they know they might share with Black Moon and that is what we're trying to avoid."

The guy nodded and ran off and while the other three people in group stood up and got their few things together.

The first back to our group were the kids as they came running in front of another young guy who told us he was their uncle. After everyone else had arrived we set off as a group keeping our eyes and ears open for anything coming from the direction of Blue Rock.

Nothing happened for the rest of the day and through out the night until the following morning when that familiar sensation of someone pushing against the mental barriers Lena had put around our mind. I ignored it and we continued north once the sun was fully in the sky.

The shoving sensation got stronger as the distance between the two packs decreased and we were forced closer to the territory border. When we stopped for lunch it stopped and for a few minutes I thought that whoever it was had given up. Until the howl went up.

My head jerked in the direction it came from as did everyone else's. Spencer got up and motioned for everyone to pack up and get ready to go before picking up one of the kids and placing her on my back. She grabbed my ruff as I stood up and nudged her brother towards someone else as Spencer shifted into his russet wolf and the brother was placed on his back. Spencer started moving again and we all started rolling him with me staying in the middle of our group.

Another howl went up much closer this time and I recognized it immediately. I picked up the pace and the girl giggled at the new bouncy pace as I went to catch up with Spencer. Once I was walking next to him he glanced at me before stopping completely, he swiveled his head and tugged gently on the boys sleeve. After the boy had gotten off he went and shifted back.

"Is it them?" was his first question he asked.

I nodded.

"Alright, we'll keep going but when they get to close you're taking the lead." He turned to look at the girl on my back after I nodded in answer. "Hold on tight unless you want to go with your Uncle." The girl shook her head and I felt her fingers tighten in my fur. Spencer spoke a few quick words to few others before he shifted back and we continued.

Every few minutes a howl would go up and we would stop and wait as it died off before continuing further.

Barely twenty minutes had passed when another howl met our ears stopping us in our tracks and making us look in the direction it was coming from; it was much closer this time. Spencer nudged me with his head and pointed his nose in the direction he wanted me to go in and glanced at everyone else, he wanted me to take everyone and keep going.

I nudged the wolf in front of me and pointed with my nose in the direction Spencer had pointed. He nodded and started in that direction as everyone else slowly started to follow him.

They didn't make it but a few yards when the sound of breaking branches met our ears.

Spencer shoved me again, much harder than the last time before looking back towards whoever was heading our way. He got in front of me, attempting to block me from view just as three wolves burst through the bushes and stopped a few feet away teeth bared and on alert.

One went to block the path of the rest of our group while the other two stayed where they were. They made eye contact and one left returning shortly after having shifted.

"I don't know who you are but you and your friends need to leave immediately. You're too close to Blue Rock borders and if you get any closer we'll be forced to bring you to our Alpha. I suggest-" his voice cut off. It was silent for a few tense moments before it was broken by a name. One of mine.

"Lena? Are you here?" he asked.

Spencer gave the signal we had come up with for moments like these. A simple bark and everyone scattered, barreling past the wolf standing in front of them and running north. I stood up and turned to follow when the other wolf instinctively jumped in my way blocking me.

He looked up at me from his crouched position and recognition flashed in his eyes as he stood up straight and backed off a few steps.

"Lena?" that voice asked again and I reluctantly turned to face him.

The look on my cousins face as he stared at me in disbelief caused something in me to flicker. I don't know if it was Lena regaining control or something else but it kept me rooted to where I was standing.

The wolf next to him walked away before returning after having shifted. It was Bryan. He had a similar look of shock on his face as he stared at me in disbelief.

"Lea come on let's go." the girl on my back patted me on my head between my ears. Her voice brought everyone's attention to her.

"What are you doing with them? Why didn't you come back? We can help you, so can Mike and everyone else in Vermont." he said.

Spencer glanced at me over his shoulder and gave the smallest shake of his head.

"Who is he?" Bryan asked.

Their companion who still hadn't shifted yet started moving to my side and I reactively snapped my jaws at him before lunging forward and started running as fast as I could without making the girl on my back fall off. I could feel her fingers tighten in my fur and I could hear Spencer running behind me.

"Lena! Come back!" was the last thing I heard from Sebastian as I ran after the rest of the group.

Spencer barked three times and as we ran everyone else fell in next to or behind us. We ran for hours before finally stopping to rest. We settled down in a denser part of the woods amongst the tree roots as the moon rose in the sky and the crickets started to chirp.

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