Chapter 15

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Sam's POV
It was a few days after our meeting with Mike following our trip to Black Moon and everything was going back to normal. We discussed what we went over in Black Moon with Mike and the situation with Dylan being paired with the Autumn Moon Beta's daughter. After that the topic changed to concern about Lena and what we were going to do when or if she came back. It was finally decided that we would let her come back on her own unless something happened where we had to step in and track her down and catch her.

I headed back to my office afterwards as a distraction but even that didn't help so I figured the only thing that would actually help was a run. I shut my laptop down and turned the light off before I headed towards the back door.

Terry, Jared, and Jonathon were sitting in the living room as I passed through.

"Where you going?" Jonathon asked glancing up from the book he was reading.

"Not anywhere really, just going for a run. I'll be back later." I responded.

"Can I join you?" Terry asked looking over the back of his chair.

I nodded, "Sure you can come."

"Have fun." Jared said not looking up from his phone.

Terry and I crossed the backyard towards the trees.

"Something tells me we're out here for a different reason other than a run." Terry said as he came back around the tree in his light brown wolf.

"I needed a distraction from everything going on." I responded.

His wolf nodded, "I understand. I may have only joined recently but I've heard enough about the issues surrounding the conflict with Black Moon, and the connection you guys have with Lena and Blue Rock to know enough of what's been happening recently."

I glanced at his left foreleg, "Let me know when you reach your limit."

He nodded, "I can go just as much as the rest of you guys can, it's just awkward and I'm slower."

I nodded, "Alright. We may as well check the trail cams while we're out here."

We set off for the nearest trail cam in silence.

Leon's POV
I was sitting in Mike's office when movement out the window caught my eye.

"Hey Mike. Sam and Terry just left." I told him.

"Jonathon told me they were going out for a run. I wouldn't worry until they're still not back by dark." He paused putting his pen down and looking over at me. "Have you noticed anything different about Sam." he asked.

I thought for a moment before nodding, "I haven't noticed any serious change in him but something is definitely different."

"Technically we all changed after the recent events, but he started acting different even before we lost Zach." he responded picking his pen back up and continued writing.

I returned to the file I was going over and silence fell in the office again. It stayed like that for a few hours before the phone rang. Mike picked it up on the second ring and held it to his ear as he signed the bottom of the paper he had just finished writing up when he suddenly threw the pen across the room with enough force for it to embed in the wall.

"Your wolves couldn't do the one thing I asked you to have them do." he paused for the response from the caller. "Make sure you have wolves on the other side by the time they get there or we're relying on your northern cousin for help and you know how they are." Another pause, "I don't care just get it done or I'm going above you and straight to Ethan." He hung the phone up a little aggressively and I sat there waiting for him to share.

"Group of wolves ran through the border of Crescent Moon. They though they were rogues until one of their patrol noticed a familiar wolf." he said running a hand through his hair. "Silver and gray wolf with a light mask around the eyes and down the muzzle."

"Sounds like someone we know." I responded closing the file and placing it on the corner of Mike's desk. "Do you want me to let everyone else know?"

He shook his head. "No but I'll add someone to the southern border. They're heading north so we might see them and hopefully the silver wolf."

Mike's POV
"Jonathon I need you and Jared to do patrol on our southern border and pick two other reliable men for your rotation. We'll discuss this later on today with those Leon and I trust to not share the information without cause."

"Do you want us to patrol the southeastern border as well?" he asked.

"No, we have enough cams there to catch anything that comes close to our border. If you want you can appoint someone to our southwestern border only someone who is seasoned in that area. You know how our northern cousins are and being this close to their borders I don't want someone accidentally getting too close." I responded.

"I'll get right on that." he closed the link and I refocused back onto Leon who was waiting for any updates.

"I appointed Jon to choose the southern border patrol for the next few days as well as their rotation. In the meantime all we can do is wait and see if any other packs see them too."

"Did you tell Sam? He'll want to know." Leon asked.

I shook my head, "No. I have my suspicions, nothing serious but it's a hunch, on why Sam has been acting the way he is. I don't want this news to reach him until I say otherwise." I assured him.

"So it does have something to do with Lena."

"I think so yes but I'm not positive on how yet. You'll be the first to know when that happens." I told him.

Shortly after, he left my office to get a few hours of rest before his night shift on our northeastern border. Once he was gone I got two files from the locked filing cabinet under my desk and opened them both laying them side by side for easier comparison.

"What is your connection." I muttered to myself.

Other than a similar upbringing and closeness in age I couldn't find anything to connect Sam and Lena and it was starting to bother me. I had come to the conclusion that whatever was bothering Sam had something to do with Lena and putting the dots together was harder than I thought it would be. After a few days I had narrowed it down to where they were possibly related or that they were mates. What didn't make sense was that Lena had found her mate Dylan so I was starting to assume that they were related but the whole mate thing was still a possibility.

"You have Crescent Moon on line 2. It's probably the update you wanted from earlier." Jonathon linked.

"Thank you." I answered.

I picked the phone up and pressed the line 2 button.

"I had some border patrol follow them but they used the trail so we couldn't legally do anything except make sure they didn't try anything. The information they gave me was that the group is about 15 strong and there is definitely a female gray wolf in the group. What they noticed thought is that there is a male russet wolf that stays close to her along with an older male white wolf. There are a few children but for the most part they're sticking close together and stop only to rest before leaving again. They are close to our northern border so be on the lookout by tomorrow morning and at the latest noon if they are headed towards you." the Crescent Moon Beta said.

I thanked him for the information and hung up the phone. I had a meeting to plan so everyone knew what to expect within the next 12 to 18 hours. I would withhold the information about the female silver wolf but share everything else.

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