prologue one

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"do you want to trade for a new life"


"yes o-okay"



"i guess"


"hell yeah!?!!"


"ahhh my dear beloveds"

"the lovely noble flowers and evil"

"truly you are the most beautiful of all"

"mirror,mirror on the wall"

"who is the....."


"those who are guided by the dark mirror"

"as long as you hearts desires"

"take the hand that appears in the mirror "

"take the hand that appears in the mirror "

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"mmmmmh what happened where am i why is it so dark" the white haired one said in a somewhat groggy voice

"ahhh a box?" the one with black haired said looking at were they are trying to kick open the box

"sis-sister??" the one with pink hair said scared with tears almost coming out of her eyes

"sister were are you" the blue haired somewhat yelled a bit frantic but keeping herself calm

"what the hell is this" the one with silver haired asked in a somewhat irritated voice

"zzzzzzzzz" the blond one woke up then decided it was better to go back to sleep

"well this is definitely not my doing but this could be a good prank better keep this in mind " the red haired one was taking notes for future plans with a evil grin trying to grab a note book key word being trying because she looked down only to see a robe so did the others

"oooh this is stylish"the sliver one said

"now is not the time sakura!!" the white one yelled

"wait you can hear me saku?" sakura looked around in the box still darkness

"yea ya dingbat" shizuoka face palmed at her friend

"um does anyone remember anything" the pink one still nervous

"don't worry cardia you'll be fine" cardia seemed calmed at her sisters words

"what about you komi"the black haired one addresses her friend

twisted wonderland and the 7 wonders (twisted wonderland x ocs)Where stories live. Discover now