❤️Heartslabyl chapter 8~ the legendary seven ❤️

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"Okay fire away" said Cater

"As we've told you before each dorm is themed after the Great Seven" Komi said patting Grims head, I decided to go first, since Grim spends the most time with me.

"Our dorm is modelled after the strictness of the Queen of Hearts, since Makoto's not here I'll take over" I'll be honest the Queen, was well...she was something... I can say I respect her nuttiness but maybe not so much all the rules

"Savanaclaw, is based on the persistent sprit of the King of Beasts" I look to Cardia cause she looked like she was gonna burst

"Cardia" she smiled, having starts in her eyes

"My dorm, Octavinelle, Based on the benevolent heart of the Sea Witch" she waved her hand in the air excited Komi patted her shoulder, and she calms down

"Guess I'll go next, Scarabia, based on the mindful personality of the sorcerer of the sands" Komi looked to Sakura who's looking at her nails

"Oh my turn, Pomefiore, based on the tenacity of the fairest Queen" at the Fairest bit Sakura did a hair flip, I roll my eyes I was about to open my mouth to speak for Nanami when

"Ignihyde, based on the dililgence of the king of the underworld" she spoke half groggy then fell back asleep

"Well that's Ignihyde, and finally Disomnia..." we look for Yuri but she's still no where, Komi decides to speak

"Well it's based on the noble spirit of the Torn Fairy" truly a great sorcerer...

"All those names are way to long! How's anyone supposed to remember 'em?!" Grim yelled

"Ah ha ha! Well, you get the idea. Want to or not, you'll learn them soon enough" Cater said with a smile to Grim

"At introduction, the Dark mirror picks a dorm for you based on the essence of your being, as a result, each dorm ends up with a distinct sort of...flavour " Trey said and we all look at each other, we were wondering about the dark mirror since the Crow didn't explain

"That is sooo true. I totes see it" Cater said

"Flavour...huh?" Deuce said looking at all the Heartslabyl members

"For example, look at that guy" Trey said pointing at a boy with white hair and fluffy ears, with a Savanaclaw arm band

"That rough and tumble vibe he's got has Savanaclaw House written all over it." We all nod Makoto sure got a interesting house choice...

"No doubt. That dorm is full of scrappy guys who are into, like, working out and fighting. How should I describe the vibe..? Macho dudes? Gruff big brothers? Something along those lines the black and gold armband is another giveaway" Cater said and Sakura gasps

"My Makoto is in that dorm!!...she's gonna kick so much ass I wanna see!!! Also her ears are super fluffy" Sakura pouted, I shake my head sighing out

"Huh. All right, so what about that guy with the grey and purple cord wrapped around his arm?" We look over to we're Grim pointed and Cardia smiles

"Azul!!" She squeaks

"He's my dorm leader" Komi looks at him then to Cardia

"So he's in Octavinelle" I hear Komi hummed to herself, I look and Trey then points to another boy

"And the student sitting at the table in front of him has a red and gold armband- Scarabia colours" One we saw very recently, Komi looked at who Trey pointed out and blushed. Sakura and Cardia look at each other a knowing smile draped on there faces

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