❤️ Heartslabyl chapter 10~ tail's stomping disaster ❤️

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We where now in the woods looking for chestnuts for the Mont Blanc...something was nagging me, it feels like I'm forgetting something important with this chestnut tart

"Whoa! There really are a ton of chestnuts just layin' around. I'm gonna be livin' large on chestnut tarts! Mmmm!" Grim said eating a chestnut

"Grim don't forget we need as many of these as possible and with you eating them we won't be able to even make one" I cross my arms looking at him, I sigh and push up my glasses as he pouts at me, he goes to reach for another one but jumps back in pain

"Myah! The chestnut spines pricked my paws!" Grim said in pain, I sigh and give his paw a look

"You'll live" was all I said and look to tweedle dumb and dee

"I don't think we can do this bare handed, and" I look around to see they haven't got a basket "what where you planning on carrying them in?" I ask

"Well" Ace said looking at my skirt, my eyes narrow

"You so much as touch my skirt and you'll have a chain wrapped around you're neck....do I make myself clear" I felt my eyes burn as I point at Ace's chest, he puts his arms up in surrender, face pale eyes wide

"No no were going to look in the botanical garden to have a look" he said his voice a bit high pitched he looked to Deuce for help

"Yep we're going there let's go!" Deuce said speed walking and Grim flew fast by his side Ace ran to him as well, I place my hand on my forehead sighing

"Shizu~" I span on my heel eyes wide but nothing was there, was I imagining but it sounded like...it can be he's long dead, I began walking away with this feeling someone was watching me

We where now in the botanical gardens Ace and Deuce still seemed a bit scared they kept a distance as we where looking around, they then disappeared leaving Grim with me who was walking around instead of flying

"I sware those two" I grumble out, Grim keeps his eyes forward but speaks

"Maybe it's cause you always scare em Shizu" Grim said, I sigh knowing how I can be

"I can't help it...I don't exactly know how to interact with people" I look forward and the conversation dies, Grim was sniffing the air and had this excited posture about him, he looked like a child trying to pick out a toy from the market, it reminds me of the children I used to see on my travels, Grim trips on something and lands hard on the ground

"Ouch!!" Two voices rang out, I looked down seeing Makoto and a beast men with a scar on his eye, he reminded me of someone

"Hey! You got some nerve falling on our tails and just walking away" The beast man said glaring at Grim, who looked like he was about to burst into tears, Makoto held her tail and was rubbing it

"Sorry man" Grim said in a squeak, Makoto looked at me tilting her head confused, the Beast men and Grim where glaring at each other

"He fell" was all I said pointing at Grim, Makoto looked at the cat then at me then at the man sitting next to her, gave me a thumbs up and lay back down asleep....how in the world was she a bodyguard? The beast man then began to speak

"Ain't nothin' worse then bein' in the middle of a good nap and havin' some cat fall on your tail." He said crossing his arms glaring at Grim

"I'm sorry about Grim" I place a hand on my heart and and bend forward in apology, head down, I hear him grumble and I look up

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