❤️heartslabyul chapter 3~ painting the roses red❤️

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It was just before class, so we all decided since we have a bit of time to spare to head to heartslabyul we where now in the hall of mirrors, we where in front of the mirror that leads to heartslabyul and entered.

It was just before class, so we all decided since we have a bit of time to spare to head to heartslabyul we where now in the hall of mirrors, we where in front of the mirror that leads to heartslabyul and entered

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We where now in front of the dorm.

"Dang this place is swank! This is nothing like our dumpster of a dorm" I had to admit Grim was right on this one

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"Dang this place is swank! This is nothing like our dumpster of a dorm" I had to admit Grim was right on this one

"Comparisons will only make you more miserable" I said in a Monotone voice, Ace and Duce look at us both then started to walk around, we where now in a rose maze with a student there painting the roses.

"Well this is déjà vu" I mumbled to myself

"Aww yeah, I'm getting my paint on!" He had orange hair the fringe tied up with a diamond on his cheek

"Ah someone's here" Grim said

"They all gotta be red or it's 'off with my head' " I felt a shiver down my spine, I hope to everything that this Riddle is not like that Queen, all of her rules gave me a headache learning the lad finally noticed us.

"Huh...? You guys need something?" He asked us paint brush in hand

"What are you doing there?" Ace asked confused

"Are you blind? I'm painting these roses red, duh" this bamboozled the two

"What? Why?!" Deuce asked looking at Ace and me this made the diamond cheek chuckle

"Ah ha ha so naive you put the 'n' in newb" I tilt my head 'newb', I'll never understand this new language

"Hold the phone, I know you! Your the ones who broke a billion-thaumark chandelier and nearly got expelled for it yeah?" I have a feeling, that Ace and Deuce are going to be living with that over there heads for the rest of there school years

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