prologue nine

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shizuoka makoto and grim walked along the main street when they came up to a row of statue

"uwaaaa amazing so this is main street" grim looked on in amazement and something about the statue rung a bell in Shizuoka and makoto head

"Doesn't she look familiar" Shizuoka pointed to a statue of a woman holding her skirt with roses around her having a feeling she's scene her before

"It's not just you" makoto pointed to a lion on top of a rock

"I feel like I've scene him before as well" makoto looked down trying to remember when the sent of another person made her stop and her ears twitched, grim just continued to talk about the statues in aww and Shizuoka felt like she forgot something important

"This woman looks so snobby" grim looked at the statue of the woman Shizuoka was looking at frowning as he said that suddenly a voice caught came out of nowhere spoke to the three of them grim jumped at the voice and Shizuoka to fix her glasses

"you don't know the queen of hearts?" a boy who has red hair with a heart over his left eye and looked bit younger than the two girls, at the mention of the name grim was curious

"Queen of hearts? Is she important" grim asked the boy and something in the back of Shizuoka head remembered something she mumbled

"Off with your head" makoto was the only one to hear it and she looked at Shizuoka with a questionable gaze wondering what she was on about

"In the past she was the queen who lived in the rose maze" as of it was happening in another world the boy and grim continued to talk, as the boy answered the cats questions but then Shizuoka started to talk

"She was someone who valued discipline above all, she was strict in a lot of things from the March of the cards to a colour of a rose bush it was in a land full of wonder were the subjects submitted to her rule" she paused the red hair boy was shocked by the girl he didn't realise she was there grim looked to her

"Why" the cat asked Shizuoka looked the cat dead in the eye and said

"Why you ask.......because it was off with your head" she said in a mono tone voice which made her words even more scarier and let's just say it worked on the cat

"That's terrifying shizu!!!" Grim put both paws up in the air with a terrified look and the boy smirked

"It's cool I liked it" he gave Shizuoka a thumbs up on the delivery and Shizuoka looked confused she didn't mean to sound scary she was just telling the truth and that was her natural voice whilst that was happening makoto's eyes her glued to the lion statue

"Nobody would listen to a queen who's just nice all the time right?" The red hair boy looked at the cat

"I suppose a strong leader is better" makoto and Shizuoka gripped there sleeves at that last sentence of the cat and they both in a whisper said

" it not" the other two didn't hear this and continued with there conversation

"By the way who are you" grim asked the question which the girls forgot to ask

"I'm ace, a freshly faced first year nice to meetcha" the boy now known as ace smiled at the two grim smirked then he puffs up his chest and spoke proudly

"I am grim a genius who'll become the greatest magician" he looked so smug

"The two idiots over there are my henchmen" Shizuoka just sighed and facepalmed and makoto just looked to the side tired

"Shizuoka kurta also I'm not the henchmen" she crossed her arms and looked at ace

"Makoto" was all she said and ace nodded slightly startled by makoto he didn't notice she was there

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