❤️ Heartslabyl chapter 13~tart making disaster ❤️

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Ace came back to see Trey alone with a bowl he looked around

"Where's shizu?" He asked and Trey looked up and pointed to the cupboard

"Oh okay" he took a step towards the cupboard and only for Trey to stop him

"She's not feeling to good best we leave her alone until she come out" Trey told Ace with a grimace, Ace nods looking at the cupboard his brows furrowed he thought about his fellow dorm mate as Deuce and Grim finally came back

"Ah, you're finally back! Took ya long enough." Ace said Deuce looks like he's gone through a existential crisis

"Let's get this tart-y started!" And just like that everyone got to work mixing poring and eventually Shizuoka wakes up

Shizuoka pov

I walk out of the cupboard and all eyes turned to me, I blink and walk over to Trey as he's the only person here without one and give him his blazer

"Thanks" was all I said he looked at the blazer then at me and gave me a soft smile

"Not problem if your not feeling well you can go back to you're dorm and rest" he said and I shake my head

"No it's fine I've rested enough and I've promised to help these two dodo's out" the two in question look at me

"I swear she has a new nickname for you two every time" Trey said with a chuckle and Grim looks impatiently at the Mont Blanc

"Oh Ace can you pass me that spoon" Trey asked and now the work was about to begin

"Whistle while you work.." I hummed whistling, to myself as I was placing chestnuts on the tarts

"What's that song?" Deuce asked me

"Just something seven friends taught me" I asked not looking at him doing my job

"Was it the other girls?" Ace asked

"No I met them before the others" the duo fell silent

"Say Shizu what was your life like?" Ace asked At this most of the room fell silent and my hands stopped moving

"Hey guys don't pester her" Trey said trying to divert attention from me I simply sigh knowing that this is going to continue on until I have them something

"I was born and raised In a small village, which was very rural you couldn't get to it very easily unless you lived there your whole life when I got a bit older I decided to travel and see the world" I said piping the cream onto the Mont Blanc, I'm not gonna tell them everything but a little bit is fine and besides after what happened before it brought back some memories I felt my body relaxing remembering the old days.

I could smell the morning dew on the grass the quite air with only the twittering of the birds, rays of the sun that bring the comfort of the day, the gentle wind rippling the clear water, the sound of children running around playing to their hearts contents with the most cheerful smiles imaginable and my mothers humming while the smell of Jasmine hung in the air.

"Eventually during my travels I was brought to this mansion which happened to be owned by Cardia's parents, that's how I met the others we all worked there" Ace, Deuce Trey and Grim hung onto my every word

"But we mostly had our own jobs to do around the house every day we would wake up and you could tell it was going to be chaotic, if it was dead silent in the morning even Nanami early in the morning is a handful, it was a perfectly mundane
life" my head was down and my voice fades out.

"That's it man!" Ace said ruffling his hair with a sigh I my eyes narrow and he hides behind Deuce

"I don't have much of a story that's it" the others looked at me in doubt but the conversation turned to Deuce

"Say how was your shopping trip?" Ace asked Deuce only for him to sigh out

"Well basically..." Deuce began to tell the story about how he fought this student and Sakura found him weeping over eggs and how she gave him a existential crisis, at the end of the story Ace laughed

"BWHAHAHAH YOU..YOU THOUGHT HAHAH!!!" He was having trouble making and sentences but you get the picture

"Oh Deuce" I place a hand on my chin sighing out

"I..I can't hahahha!!" Ace said holding his stomach Trey let out a cough concealing his laughter

"Lets get back to the tarts" he clapped his hands together and we where back on track, eventually we were done some point in the middle Ace and Deuce got there hands on some remaining flower left on the counter top and started chucking it at each other by the time Trey notice and but a stop to it, they looked like the ghosts back at our dorm all they needed were top hats and bow ties and they could easily fit in

"I guess they were right a little song does help the time go by faster" I whisper to myself thinking of the dwarfs.

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