❤️ heartslabyul chapter 7~ dorm explanations ❤️

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"Jamil?" She whispered out, ah the same one from her dorm, if I'm not mistaken he's the vice dorm leader

"I believe what she said was true" he said releasing the arm, the student backed away mumbling under his breath, Jamil walked over to Komi

"Are you okay?" He asked his arms by his side, she smiled and hugged him

"Thanks so much Jamil" he looked frozen by this interaction, I heard Ace whistle so I elbowed him in the ribs that made him shut up quick

"I need to get back to Kalim" he said and Komi released him he had a slight blush to his face as he walked off

"I'll leave you to it" I said walking back to our table with Ace Deuce and Grim, I see Sakura smiling and Cardia about to squeal

"Okay bets?" She said and we all nod, except Nanami who's still passed out

"The end of the year" I said and Sakura scoffs

"I give it 3 months" she said proudly

"Oh um I bet 5 months" Cardia said smiling Ace and Deuce decided to get in on the action

"Oh yeah I'm going 2 months way to comfortable with each other" Ace said and Sakura nods and him

"Okay I bet 2 years" Deuce said unsure and we all look at him like he was serious

"I don't know" he blurted out, Grim looked confused

"What's going on Shizu?" He asked me and I sigh

"Just eat your sandwich" he nods and just eats, Komi finally came back to the table with a smile

"Oh I forgot, I need to give him his books back" she placed a hand over her mouth in realisation, I see Sakura smile thinking she already won

"I still haven't forgiven you for this morning Ace" she said crossing her arms in a huff

"Sorry sorry, I needed a place to crash" he puts his hands together in a apology

"Hmh it's fine just don't do that again or at least give me a warning" he nods and he's forgiven, I notice Grim is being awfully quiet and I look at him and he looks like he's seen heaven

"The egg around the omelette is light, fluffy and the centre is filled with gooey cheese! I'm nom nom! So I saw your guys dorm what are the others like?" Grim asked looking at the girls, I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone sit next to me

"You know about the great seven statues displayed on Main Street, right?" It was Cater, I give him a look and he puts his hands up in surrender

"There's seven of them so there are seven dorm" Cater continues on, Ace looked at him surprised

"Geh! You're the guy from this morning!" Ace yelled out, I cover my ears and wanna slam my head into the desk, along with Nanami

"You tricked us into painting those roses for you!" Grim yelled at him

"Saying I tricked you is so mean. I wasn't doing it because I wanted to, it's just how things are done in our dorm." Cater puts his elbows saying this, Komi immediately slaps his arms off the table

"Sir please take your elbows off the table, also who are you?" Komi says in sister mode

"I'm Cater Diamond" he points to himself

"Trey Clover. I'm a third year in heartslabyul like Cater and Shizuoka" Komi nods as well as the others, Deuce continues the conversation

"You where grinning the whole time" Deuce complains about the days events

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