❤️ Heartslabyl chapter 11~ Oyster sauce and tarts ❤️

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I was walking to the kitchen to smell the sent of chestnuts and my stomach grumbled

"Oh you're back" Ace said with an annoyed face and arms crossed

"I had to deal with something" I said to Trey ignoring Ace who sweat dropped and smiled at me I nod in return

"Not much of a smiler are you" he said and turned around to the bowl with the mixture in

"And a splash of oyster sauce- that's my secret ingredient" Trey said and I spin on my heel looking at him only to see a smirk and I catch on

"Oyster sauce?!" Ace and Deuce scream confused

"Yep. The umami of the oyster give the cream a deep, savoury flavour." He then grabs a bottle "I use this one here 'walrus brand young Oyster Sauce.' All the best bakers use it in their tarts." He said smirking away, he's a pretty good liar

"Is this true Shizu!!" Grim asked me

"I'm not the person to ask about cooking. Komi is" I looked to Grim, back at the house Komi mostly did the cooking while I mostly did cleaning and washing. I did help in the kitchen sometimes which is how I know Trey's just messing with them

"Really? But isn't oyster sauce like, super salty?" Deuce asked and Ace turned to him

"Some folks put chocolate into curry, don't they? Maybe it's the same idea." Ace said and I deadpanned and sigh

"Idiot" I place my hand on my head and sigh Trey burst out laughing

"I'm totally lying! No one in their right mind would put oyster sauce into a pastry." He said crossing his arms I cross mine as well looking at the duo in disappointment

"Shizu why didn't you warn us sooner?" Ace said and I sigh

"If you had at least used you're brain you would have notice how ridiculous it was" I said sighing and Trey laughed harder

"She's got you there, let that be a lesson don't believe everything you hear" he said and pats my shoulder I tense up and he lets go

"Thanks for playing along" he whispers in my ear then goes back to the mixing bowl

"Myah I would have eaten it" Grim said in a huff

"I know you would Grim" I said and pat his head

"Next the cream..!?" Trey said and he froze up

"You guys gathered so many chestnuts that we may have overdone it with the chestnut paste. I don't think we have enough cream to mix in." He said holding the side of his head sighing Deuce places a hand on his chest

"Then I'll go buy some. Do they sell at the school store?" Deuce asked and Trey nods

"They sell pretty much everything, so......probably. Can I have you pick me up a few other things?" Trey started listing off things he needed and I go to Grim

"Grim can you do me a favour and help out Tweedle Dee" he looks at me annoyed

"Myah noooo!!!" He whined and I sigh

"I'll give you 2 tins of tuna" he gave me a side look

"6" he said

"4" I said back

"Deal" he shook on it

"Deuce I've got you a helper" I present Grim who's got his arms crossed and a huff

"Thanks I was looking for a bit of help" Deuce said with a smile. Him and Grim go to the mystery shop leaving me with Trey and Ace

"I'll get the trays ready" Ace said going off to find the trays leaving me alone with Trey I place a spare aprons on and tie my hair up and begin stirring

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