prologue four

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its was silent no one dared to speak cardia was clinging to her sister for dear life komi just looked down sakura was shaking her head from side to side mumbling no no nooo makoto and shizuoka looked to each other , nanami hugged herself yuri was frozen to her spot in the air crowley was just as confused then a thought came into his head

"why don't we go to the library we need to figure things out and that is the best place for answers" crowley suggested the girls nodded not knowing what to do they were in shock

"okay follow me"


at the library

the walk there was silent as soon as they got there crowley went to grab a book and left the girls alone

"whats going on" shizuoka looked at the group

"200 years what the hell happened" yuri her cheerful personality gone for the time being

"correct me if i'm wrong but do you guys remember anything from before this" nanami pondered arms crossed and one hand to her cheek and her sleeve fell down

"now that you mention it what was the last thing you remember" sakura looked up

"the last thing i remember is preparing breakfast with the other maids but after that is-"

"nanami your arm!!" shizuoka exclaimed nanami arm had a long scar across her arm

"what the hell were did it come from" shizuoka looked shocked holding nanami arm inspecting it

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"what the hell were did it come from" shizuoka looked shocked holding nanami arm inspecting it

"what the hell happened i don't remember ever getting this" they all stared in shock seriously they've been together for years and don't remember nanami ever getting one

"wait i remember a voice" komi spoke up trying to calm the group

"wait i remember he said something like 'do you want to trade for a new life' what do you think it means" but before anyone could say anything crowley came back with a thick book nanami covered her arm back up and crowley opens it on a table for them to it

"this is a book on the history on nobles in this world it stretches to the time before the grate seven and if you see here the sawa family 200 year ago" crowley pointed to the sawa family page

"the last people of the sawa family are sasazuka sawa and akiko sawa they had one daughter cardia sawa" crowley looked to cardia shocked

"but if you see here one name is scratched out" crowley pointed to one name complete scratched out

"but if you see here one name is scratched out" crowley pointed to one name complete scratched out

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"if you flick to this page its birth dead and marriages and if you look here" 

"sasazuka has weird scribble before dead and cardia was missing" the girls looked in shock 

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"sasazuka has weird scribble before dead and cardia was missing" the girls looked in shock 

"and again another name crossed out if you flipped to this its old records on the families and here it says in xxxx-xxxx cardia there only daughter was missing the only thing left behind was a patch of blood and a bunch of burn marks the suspect was a servant and then it cuts of" crowley closed the book and the girls 

"so what the hell are you saying you mean we came from the past 200 years ago" sakura who had been oddly quite spoke up 

"what the hell are we gonna do we are living in the future, we have no clue how to go home and your still here with your dumb mas--" before sakura could finish makoto covers her mouth so she doesn't offend the bird man more 

"ahemm looks like we need to figure out a way to help you but the mirror assigned you a dorm so that means your now part of this school but we can't keep you in the dorm because since this is a all boys dorm we cant risk you staying there" there girls were shocked he past by the main issue like it was nothing and moved on to something else man hes good

"so i have an idea" he got there attention 

"there is a old building on campus it was a onced used dormitory in the past so if you guys clean it up you should at least be able to sleep there" they all look at crowley thinking over there option then deciding 

"yes well take you up on that offer we need to figure thing out and if you could help it be a huge help" komi politely ask crowley for help

"because i am so gracious i shall help you get to the past"behind his back he crossed his fingers

"i generally think that is your catchphrase" sakura shook her head from side to side and crowley just smiled 

"anyway until you figure things out you can stay there" crowley decide that since he is so gracious he shall help them wow i do say that a lot but ill help even if it did feel sick helping a sawa but at least its only one

"we had better be on our way lets head to the dormitory it may be a bit old but there is a certain charm to it" crowley took them to a old building with many mystery's   

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