❤️ heartslabyul chapter 4~ student multiplication ❤️

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"Red...Red...BAM! Wh- whoa! It turned blue?!" Deuce said confused at the blue rose

"Change, o foul colour! Change! AHA!" Grim tried and set the rose on fire

"BWAH! The rose caught of fire" grim yelled flying around trying to stop the fire spreading, me and Cater looked at each other he chuckled and I sighed

"Wow, You're even less competent than I thought" I nod sighing out, slamming my hand to my forehead

"Yo, maybe you should just leave the rose white! They look perfectly pretty n' stuff to me" Ace said, I had a feeling this was gonna be a headache

"It's a matter of tradition, you can't have a unbirthday party without the roses being red and you can't play croquet without seven-coloured flamingos as mallets and a hedgehog for a ball Oh, but of course, the roses need to be white when the garden flower put on their spring concert, That's absolutely crucial" Cater explains and it brings up memories

"All your rules are completely insane!" Grim yelled out a good chuck of them are

"They say the Queen of hearts made up the these rules herself- she was one of the Great Seven, you know" I nod but back then she was just the Queen of hearts

"And Riddle is all about tradition. Probably more than pervious housewardens, T-B-H" I felt my migraine re appearing, if this Riddle was anything like The Queen of hearts this is gonna be a problem

"I'll admit that he's, well...a bit extra" Cater said scratching his cheek

"Yeah, no kidding I sure don't have time for this nonsense, Is Riddle here? I gotta talk to him" Ace asked getting ready to apologise

"Yeah probably" Carer nodded

"But are you sure that's wise? Did you even bring an apology tart to replace the one you ate?" I honestly didn't think about that

"Uh, no? I came here first thing in the morning!" Ace said

"Ah ah ah... That could be a problem have you forgotten rule 53?" Cater said scratching his neck, I thought for a moment

"Stolen Items must be replaced" I said and Cater nods at me

"Bingo, If you're not in compliance, I can't let you in" Cater said

"Are you serious?!" Ace said more dejected than ever

"All dorm residents must obey the rules. If I let you slide it would be off with my head next I hate to say it, Ace but I'm gonna need you to leave before Riddle spots you. Thanx" Cater said with a somewhat sympathetic look

"I...think this guy for real. You guys, do something!" Ace asked, desperate for help

"Why would WE do anything" Deuce said pointing to me and him

"C'mon please! I can't use magic hurry he's—" Cater was now walking away

Cater pulled out his pen I stepped back, as Cater and Deuce fired spells at each other, I look to the roses and continue to paint them red, I take a look back at the fight and notice something, I mumble to myself.

"Ah I see now what he's doing" I do the last rose on the bush and finally walk back to the duo

"Do make sure you bring that tart next time, m'kay? Buh-bye now!" Defeated we walk back to the mirror, I look behind me and Cater give me a wink, I tilt my head confused and he chuckled

"Was that guy for real!?!" Ace asked now mad, as we where now walking out of the dorm

"We hit him over and over, but he just kept coming. Maybe we was using some kind of illusion magic?" Deuce asked, As Ace recounted the whole situation

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